Lilith x fem!reader

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Requested by @Idontlikethissad

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Y/n were cuddled up in bed with her wife. Her face were buried in her wife's chest as their arms were around each other protectively when the door to their bedroom suddenly moved open and in walked a 6-year-old girl.

Y/n who was a light sleeper slowly opened her eyes and slowly made her way out of Lilith's arms to sit up and look down at the little girl, "Mom?" Y/n groaned as she rubbed her eyes, "Yes, honey?"

"I had a bad dream,"

"A nightmare again? You wanna talk about it?" Y/n asked and the little girl sniffled at the thought of her dream. Y/n smiled and picked up the girl to sit her in her lap. "Hey, sweetheart, take a deep breath in... *inhales* and out *releases*, calm down and try to breath," Charlie did as she was told and inhaled and released an amount of air to calm down her cries. Soon enough, her breathing was back to normal and her cries had died down. "See? You did good, sweetheart... Now, tell me what happened,"

"I... I was sitting in my room, it was dark... I heard muffled screams coming from everywhere around me so to stop hearing them, I closed my eyes and covered my ears but the sounds only got louder and louder until it sounded like it was right in front of me... so I opened my eyes to see you and mommy standing over me, angry faces as both of you screamed at me that I was nothing and that you wished you never had me and-" Charlie couldn't finish as she began to cry once again.

Y/n hugged her and hugged her close to her chest, "Shh, sweetheart, we would never say anything like that, you're our daughter, we would never leave you for anything between Heaven and Hell," she said and hugged her daughter closer. Feeling arms go around her waist. She looked to her side to see a awake Lilith who sat up and hugged both Y/n and Charlie close, "She's right, mommy and mom would never leave, Charlie. You're our little princess, why would we leave you?" Lilith asked and kissed Charlie's forehead which made the girl smile and hug Y/n, nuzzling her face in her chest. Y/n smiled and laid back down and laid Charlie between her and Lilith who laid back down.

The two women watched as their baby girl fell in a deep sleep and they looked at each other. "She's gonna accomplish many things as the Queen of hell," Y/n smiled, "Yeah..." Lilith noticed he sadness in her wife's voice and lifted her chin up to look into her eyes, "What's wrong, love? Why the sad face?"

"I guess... I'm just scared... Scared she will grow up and leave for something much better... I'm scared she will leave us behind and never wanna come back and see us,"

Lilith smiled and gently kissed Y/n on the lips. "That will never happen... I promise,"

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Y/n stared as her daughter walked over to the limousine. Big smile on her lips. Her girlfriend, Vaggie waiting for her by the car. They shared a smile before giving each other a loving kiss to the lips before Charlie looked back at her moms and waved happily.

Today was the day Charlie was going to Pentagram City to accomplish her dream of making a hotel to redeem sinners.
Charlie was so excited to leave home, don't take her wrong, she love her moms but she wanted a new start as a young woman to stand on her own feet and accomplish her dreams.

The young girl was about to take a seat in the limousine but got stopped by Vaggie who grabbed her arm. "Vaggie?" She asked and Vaggie pointed at Lilith who was hugging a crying Y/n.
Charlie frowned at the sight of her mom so sad of her leaving. She looked down, she had been so excited about this project and dream that she didn't think of how her mothers would feel about it.

Charlie slowly walked over to her moms and rubbed her arm. Lilith released Y/n from the hug and Y/n wiped her eyes as she looked at Charlie, smiling. "What are you waiting for, sweetheart? Don't you need to-" Y/n stopped talking of a sudden hug by her daughter... "I'll miss you," Charlie whispered which broke Y/n and the woman hugged back as her tears released and fell onto her daughter's shoulder. "I'll miss you too, sweetheart..."

"Mom, please, don't cry again," "I'm sorry, Charlie... But my baby is leaving home, I can't just act all heartless like your mommy here," "Hey! I heard that!" Lilith scolded which made Y/n and Charlie laugh.

Y/n and Charlie parted from the hug and Y/n turned to her wife and stood on her tippy toes to kiss her lips, Lilith smirked against her lips and kissed back, Charlie covered her eyes, "Moms!" The two women laughed and Lilith ruffled Charlie's hair. "Go and help those damn sinners," Lilith said and Y/n smiled and caressed Charlie's cheek, the girl leaned against her touch, "Go and make us proud," she said and Charlie smiled brightly as she walked back to the limousine and a smiling Vaggie.

The two took their seats and Charlie rolled the window down, "Bye moms!" Y/n and Lilith smiled and waved as the limousine drove off.

When the car was out of their eyesight, Y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and smiled up at Lilith, "You did great, love," "I would be more of a crying mess if it wasn't for you being here beside me,"

Lilith smirked, "Then why don't you show me... how appreciate you are," Lilith asked with a smirk. Y/n blushed and shoved Lilith's face away from hers as they both laughed, "Shut the hell up,"

"Oh quit it, you know you love me," Lilith said and got a chance to kiss her wife's soft lips. Y/n couldn't help but to smile, "You're damn right about that," she said as the two continued their soon heated kissing season.

Both happy for their daughter to accomplish her dreams and happy to be in each other's arms for this long.

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