Octavia + brother!reader

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Requested by @KnightBt
TW: Mentioning of abusive father/childhood trauma

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"Mom, I don't-"

"Y/n! You're going to meet them if you want it or not..." Y/n sighed and looked down at his feet when his mother walked over and cupped his cheeks to make him look at her, now speaking in a more calm and motherly tone, "My son, I know how you feel when it comes to me meeting new men, but this one is different. He also had a daughter just a year or two younger than you, so be nice to her as well," Y/n sighed and nodded, "Yes, mom,"

"Good... now come on, they're surely waiting for us already," Y/n rolled his eyes, 'He is different my ass... you said so about the last guy too,'

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n and M/n (mother's name) walked into the fancy restaurant and M/n looked around to find her newest and hopefully last boyfriend sitting by a table with his daughter, M/n waved at him and he stood up, smiling as the walked over.

M/n and the owl demon kissed each other on the lips and M/n fought with all his strength not to puke. "Hi Stolas," "Hi love," "Is this your daughter?" "Yes, Octavia, M/n, M/n, Octavia..." Stolas said and M/n held out her hand for a shake, "It's so nice to meet you, dear, your father has told me so many things about you," Octavia widened her eyes at that and glared at her father who gave a warning look not to cause anything.

M/n awkwardly took back her hand after no handshake from Octavia and turned to her son, "Stolas, Octavia, this is my son, Y/n,"

Y/n glared up at Stolas who tried to ignore his glare and held out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Y/n," Y/n stared at his hand and just clicked his tongue in annoyance before taking a seat at the table beside Octavia.

Stolas and M/n looked at each other with looks of worry and took their seats beside each other on the opposite side of their kids.

Octavia took out her cellphone and so did Y/n, Stolas and M/n cleared their throats and the two glanced over at their parents before looking back at their phones.

The thing with Octavia and Y/n was that they have known each other for a long time and was basically enemies, but of course, their parents didn't know that and thought it was the first time to meet each other.

Y/n and Octavia glared at each other and then turned back to their phones.
Stolas and M/n looked at each other and M/n suddenly got an idea so she turned to Octavia, "Hey, Via-"

"Don't call me that,"

"S-Sure, Octavia, what do you do in your free time?"

"That's none of your business,"

"Via, that's no way to talk to your step-mother to," the two looked up from their phones, "Step-mom?" Octavia asked and Stolas sighed, "We didn't want to say this so soon but... we're engaged..." M/n turned to her son, "And we will move into their home next month,"

The two kids looked at their parents in shock before shouting both at the same time; "OH HELL NO!"

"What?" M/n and Stolas asked and Octavia pointed at Y/n. "I've known this prick for long enough now! His babbling in school is more than enough for me to handle!" "My banking?! Have you heard yourself! Astrology here, astrology there! It's annoying, no way in hell I'm moving in with her!" Y/n yelled and Stolas stood up with a slam to the table, which made Y/n jump and cover his head as an reflex.

M/n noticed this and stopped Stolas from talking and stood up to walk over to her son, "Y/n, breath, it's just Stolas, it's not him, he's far, far away from us, breath honey,"

Octavia and Stolas watched nervously and worriedly at the now calmed Y/n. M/n held her son's head down for him to burry it into the crook of her neck but he shoved her away and stormed out of the restaurant without another word.

Stolas held a hand to M/n's shoulder and she held his hand and looked at him, "I'm sorry, darling," Stolas said and M/n caressed his cheek, "It's not your fault... When Y/n was younger, his biological father and some of my toxic exes was very abusive towards him and used to scream and hit him by the diner table... I've tried to find someone I could have a good and healthy relationship with for once and make Y/n happy as well, and not just me but... it seems I hav failed once again in making him happy..."

After their little talk, Octavia secretly took off towards to find the slightly older boy to find him in a nearby park.

"Hey, dork!" "Leave me alone, Octavia. I'm not in the mood for insults right now," "Wow, the Y/n isn't in the mood for insults? I'm shocked," she joked to try and lighten the mood a bit but Y/n turned his head even more away from her and she sighed.

"Look, my father isn't like that man you call your father... my dad isn't always or mostly ever like he was now, he only snaps when he's really angry and him hearing someone insulting me is one of the things that pisses him off very easy... I'm sorry for his behavior,"

"How do you know what he's like when I barely have seen him myself... the only times I saw him was... by diner time... before he left again to either way drink with friends or cheat on my mother with some cheap prostitute... leaving me beaten up on the floor and for mother to care for..."

Y/n covered his eyes with his hands as he thought back of the memories that still haunted him till this very day and who knew... that in a moment like this... enemy or not... Octavia scooted all hateful feelings towards the boy and hugged him with all she could.

Y/n stared at the ground, shocked by the actions coming from the female owl but hugged slightly back, "Let's give this a chance, our parents looks really happy together and your mother seem to he a very caring woman... much better than my mother was so that's good,"

"Yeah, I still don't get how she got done here in Hell from the beginning, I mean, what can she have had done to arrive down here?" "I don't know, but they say that angels may seem like perfect on the outside, but they always bear secrets on the inside,"

Y/n chuckled and playfully hit Octavia's shoulder, "I guess you're right, sis,"

"That's right... I'm always right, brother,"

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss one-shots [Currently Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora