Sir Pentious x male robot!reader

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Requested by @Edgelord017

Edited: 4th January 2024

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

Y/n stared at his boyfriend from the other side of the ship. Pentious was his world. He could never imagine what he would do without him.

Y/n walked up to Pentious that was scolding the egg-bois' because of them messing up something again. Y/n's strong arms went around Pentious that stopped scolding the eggs and blushed at the touch from his boyfriend.

"What happened today, babe?" Y/n asked and laid his head on Pentious's shoulder.

"N-Nothing. It's my bus~iness~" The snake demon said and Y/n shook his head with a smile "As long as you don't scold them too much, Pen. We don't want them to be scared and leave." He said and turned Pentious so he looked right into Y/n's eyes.

He leaned in closer, making Pen close his eyes as he waited for the feeling of Y/n's lips on his. But they never came. Instead, he felt the feeling on his forehead, and even though he expected a kiss on the lips, the forehead kiss made his heart melt just as much and he stared with a lovesick expression as his boyfriend left the room.

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n was lifting weights in his and Pentious' shared bedroom when the named man walked into the room. He noticed Y/n lifting weights and couldn't help but stare at his perfect build body.

For being a robot, he was very handsome and Pentious couldn't help but fall for the man. He remembered the first time they met like it was yesterday and he couldn't help but be extra happy because of what came out of their first meeting.

Sir Pentious was scolding the egg-bois because they sabotaged one of Pentious's plans. He got so frustrated at the bois stupidity that he took a walk on the streets of Hell. It calmed him.

But his calm walk got interrupted when he suddenly bumped into a metal body and Pentious fell backward. He closed his eyes, expecting himself to touch the ground when an arm saved him in the right minute.

He looked up to see a robot and he couldn't help but look into the male's very humane eyes. He realized what position they were in and from afar. It looked like the stranger were dipping Pentious as they were dancing or something. "Let go of me," Pentious said and the stranger helped him stand up again. "Are you alright, sir?" The robot asked and handed Pentious his hat that had fallen off his head.

"Yes. You should look where you're walking, twerp." The man's sweat dropped "I'm sorry. Sir, but I was only standing here when you bumped into me." Sir Pentious blushed embarrassed and looked away with a huff.

The robot held out his hand "I'm Y/n. By the way. What's your name if I may ask?"

"The name is Sir Pentious." Y/n flashed the snake a handsome smile and took Pentious' hand to his lips and kissed it. "Well... It's a pleasure to meet you, Pentious."
That was the day Pentious fell in love with a man for the first time.
Flashback end

"-abe... babe...! Sir Pentious!!" Pentious shook his head and looked over at Y/n that was trying to call for him. The man sighed and looked down at the snake "Are you alright? You zoned out."

"Oh, I-I'm fine." He said and Y/n smiled. He took off the man his hat and sat it onto the nearest table. "It's late. We should head to bed. You have worked hard today." Pentious looked at Y/n and smiled up at him.

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n was sleeping peacefully in the shared bed he had with Sir Pentious.
Pentious on the other hand. Was tossing and turning in his sleep. This woke Y/n when Pentious began to say his name in a panicking voice. Y/n sat up and shook his boyfriend awake "Babe, wake up—" Pentious snapped open his eyes, breathing heavily, "Hey... hey. It's okay." Y/n mumbled.

"Y/n..." Pentious whispered with a voice that broke Y/n's heart. He hugged his snake boyfriend to his chest, letting the sinner hear the calming beat of his heart. "It's okay now. I'm here." Y/n whispered as Pentious cuddled and snuggled closer to him. "Never leave me... please." Y/n kissed the top of his head and smiled "I could never leave you. Ever."

The two stayed like that without Y/n asking what the dream was about. He knew better than to ask.

"I love you, Pen." Pentious smiled against Y/n's chest "I love you too,"

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