Chapter 40: Will you be my girlfriend?

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(Six's pov)

Seven and Five shown up in class and I smiled. Mono then looked over and then at Five and turned away.

How does he even know who I am starting at? even at all times, he knows what I am up to.

That is kinda creepy now that I think about it but I don't care Five looked at me and waved over at me.

Today is the day I am finally gonna confess to her. And finally, I can date someone before Mono.

Well if she says yes that is. Five sat down next to me and then I tried to think of the words to say.

''Hey um, F-Five I was wondering if um you wanted to be my um- I mean if you wanted to um meet m-me somewhere after lunch?'' I said.

I then put my head down at my desk and thought about what I just said. I am such an idiot. I could hear Mono slapping himself with his hand in disappointment.

I am pretty sure he thinks I did a terrible job. Which I can agree on myself at this rate.

Five then thought for a little probably thinking of an answer. I sat there waiting and she then looked back at me.

''Um sure why not, I am sure it won't that bad right? is it something important you have to tell me? or you wanted to hang out with me?'' Five asked and I nodded at the second thing she asked.

''It is something um important, something I needed to tell you for a good while now'' I said and Five looked confused but accepted my answer.

What the fuck did I just say. I could have said anything else to her but I just come up with that all of the things in the world.

The teacher then turned around and looked over at us and then glared over at me and Five. I then started to open my books and she walked over to our table.

I then sighed and looked down accepting my faith while I can tell Mono and Seven were trying not to laugh.

''Talking in my class I see? well what's it going to be? shut your fucking mouths and learn? or talking all the way to the office? now choose'' The teacher asked.

Did she just curse at us? teachers can't do that, they are not even allowed to in the first place anyway.

We shut our mouths and the teacher laughed and then smiled and walked back and started to teach her class again.

That fucking bitch thinks she could really talk to us like that.

I then grabbed a book and then waited for her to turn around.

She did end up turning around and I threw my book at her which was very hard. She then started to get angry and turned around leaving the students terrified by her face.

''OKAY, WHO THE FUCK DID THAT'' The teacher asked while yelling.

''I think Seven has something to say miss'' I said and then the teacher walked over to Seven.

''Tell me the truth young man, WHY DID YOU DO THAT AND DID YOU REALLY DO THAT'' The teacher yelled

Seven looked like he was about the cry and I can tell Mono was starting to feel bad.

''Actually, miss, I did it, I thought it will be funny but I guess I was wrong, but please don't do anything to Seven and Six was just thinking that'' Mono lied.

Seven turned to him and I sat there confused. Why would he do that for him when he never did something like that to me before.

Oh yeah, he likes him more than me. The teacher then wanted the Mono to leave the room and Mono did so and Seven then smiled.

(Time skip because I am lazy as always)

The bell rang and it looked like it was already time for lunch. We walked out of the classroom and walked to our lockers.

I unlocked my locker and opened it and started to place my books inside I grabbed my mother's bracelet and then put it on when I closed my locker and locked it right back up so no one breaks in.

Five, Two, and the others were already going to the lunchroom and then we walked with them.

We walked on the way there and boy do we talk a lot. We made it to the lunchroom and sat down while we started to eat.

Everything was fine and chill and I realized I asked Five to talk to me after lunch.

We were eating our lunch and then Truls walked over to our table. Jennifer then started to stand up but Truls stopped her from doing so. 

He hugged her and Jennifer just sat there thinking it had to be a dream. She turned over and then punched Truls in the stomach and he fell to the floor and hit his head hard.

I think he just wanted to be nice that's all.

I then looked over at Five and held her hand when she turned to me. I smiled at her and we stood up and I took her outside.

Mono knew what I was doing. He thought it was stupid but I did not care about what he thinks right now.

it's my choice in life it is not his choice in my life. I stared at five as we sat down on the school bench.

''So what did you wanted to tell me that was so important?'' Five asked me.

I started to sweat and then I could tell that was heart was starting to beat fast. 

''I was wondering if um-um-um wanted to be my um girlf-f-'' I said not even finishing my words.

Five looked confused and I blushed red. Why do I have to do this today? 

But I have to tell her some way or else she will never know.

''Ummm, I was wondering if you wanted to be my um, g-girlfriend? ITS OKAY IF YOU SAY NO, HONEST, I am not lying to you'' I said the truth.

Five sat there blushing and she smiled warmly at me and she then hugged me and kissed my cheek.

I then look up to see Mono standing there and he gave me a thumbs up.

This is the best day ever in my life.

But I hope this dating thing goes as perfect then I wanted it to be.

Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora