Chapter 18: Hospital

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(Lillian's pov)

It was very dark yet very cold. I could not really feel anything. Am I dead? I am not sure myself. Just then a flash of light went upon my face.

Not opening my eyes because I think water will just get into my eyes. The light was very bright yet it shines really bright.

The light was enough to tell me I might be alive just in my head at the moment. Just then I heard something else hit the water.

I did not know what it was but whatever it was I felt it touching my body. I probably have the chills right now.

Just then I was lifted up and was taken out of the water. I wanna open my eyes but I could not. It was just closed shut.

Strange if you ask me but some people have this problem before it happens to most of us and everyone can agree on that.

But then I was in some kind of bed. I heard sirens. I must be in a hospital bed about to get on the ambulance.

Am I gonna be taken to a hospital or something. I mean what other choice do I got if my own MOTHER pushed me off.

What a sad hippo bitch.

I swear I never did anything wrong to her I tried and tried to show that I am a great child but she never had time for me.

One of the reasons why she wants me to marry Mono.

To get rid of me.

Also for the money.

Gold digger.

She should be the one who is gone forever not me. Well, I'm not gone but I was about to be gone forever.

I honestly don't wanna talk about anything. I can tell tears were rolling down my face. I could hear people talking.

Mainly about me, if I was okay or am I dead. Which is clearly not the right answer. I heard the doors closed and something moving.

Yeah, I bet I am moving. What the fuck is wrong with these people I am alive. Or I could be dead and just talking to myself.

Is that even a thing? 

Or no. I could be going crazy like everyone else. A few minutes go by and it stopped. Looks like we arrive.

I could hear the doors opening and the bed I was laying on being taken out of the car. Or geez this better not be a waste of time.

First time being at a hospital. How amazing. I have never been to a hospital. Otherwise, my mother and father don't want me there.

They rather not see me healed. Gosh, what bitchs. When I wanna forget about them I can't ever forget them.

I could hear doctors talking around me. It kinda hurt being talked about they might even talking bullcrap about you.

But this is the world we live in I know they are just trying to help me but it still kinda hurts me, to say the least.

Doctors don't talk bullshit about you. Right? No, they can't be it will just be toxic yet some doctors only do this for the money.

They probably don't care if we are hurt or sick. Gosh, this just makes me hate doctors now. I was taken to a room I think?

To be honest I am kinda not sure since my eyes can't open. It's like someone tapes them to be shut forever.

Out of all the people it had to be me living life as a stupid maid. Keep getting bossed around. I hate my life.

I wished I had a normal life like some other people. But it's not like we can change our lives. Only if you moved out.

You could start a new life as a new start. I still could hear everyone else talking about me. It's annoying.

What is even wrong with me?

''Hm well, she could be dead at least that is what I think'' I heard someone said.

''Well, the heart monitor says that she is still alive maybe just not waking up'' I heard another one said.

Are they trying to say I am in a coma? Because that is clearly the wrong answer! I think I mean if you in a coma you could hear everything around you.

Also, you could not wake up.

I remember everything about the time I googled about a coma.

''A coma is similar to a dream-like state because the individual is alive but not conscious. A coma occurs when there is little to no brain activity. The patient is unable to respond to touch, sound, and other stimuli. It is also rare for someone in a coma to cough, sneeze, or communicate in any way''

I don't think I'm in a coma. I just think I am not waking up that's all. Why do I have to be here. Ugh.


Everyone is still fucking talking gosh. This is still very annoying. I wish I could not hear anything but at the same time.

I wanna find out what the hell is wrong with me. I swear I could not even take this anymore. I tried to open my eyes.



Very fucking useless. I then screamed out loud and I'm pretty sure the doctors turned around. Just then I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed.

Every person in the room looked surprised.


''She is alive you stupid idoit.

A doctor went over to me and started to touch me. I think she is checking if I'm actually alive or are they seeing a ghost.

I am not a ghost at all.

I am just a normal human being.

At least that is what I say.

''May you tell us what happened?'' The doctor said to me.

''That is none of your business, can I leave now '' I said and then crossed my arms.

The doctor shook her head as her answer is a no.


Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora