Chapter 2: Can you leave me alone

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(Seven's pov)

I got to work and saw Eight she was very happy to see me. She gave me her phone and pointed at the time.

I think she was trying to say I was late. Well, it's not my fault. I mean it kinda is. Eight sighed and we got to work.

I always ask Eight what does she do with the money she earns. She always replies ''I'm not sure the same as you I guess''

Time went by and the cafe finally opened. Eight and I don't really care much when people come in as long as they are not rude.

People who work here often get rude customers. It sometimes changes from time to time but it never changes anything for me and Eight.

As I was giving people their food. I felt a tap on my back I turned around. It was Five looks like she is all better now.

She scared me I was not sure what she was doing here. But I don't blame her I would probably do the same for her.

She went to go sit down while I was picking up trash from the floor. These people sure are dirty. It should have been Kindle's job but she is not here.

I don't care much if she is gone as long she is here helping others I'm okay with her otherwise I don't trust her after causing a fire in the kitchen.

I was about to get back to what was I don't until I felt someone pushed me. I fell down and got up.

I turned around and Six and Mono did they have to come now?! Ugh now I'm gonna have to deal with them this was stupid.

I did not wanna deal with them at the mommet but they kicked my leg. I turned around again and they laughed.

''Could you just leave me alone?'' I asked.

''No plus this is way more fun and I'm bored'' Mono answered and Six nods.

''Maybe you can go back to smoking'' I said to them.

''Eh no thanks and are you supposed to be nice to every customer'' Six replied.

God, they were so annoying could they just leave and never come back. I think their mother gave birth to the wrong child.

Mono grabbed my arm and pushed me to the counter. It made a noise and Eight and Five heard. They ran over to see what was going on.

Six ran off left the cafe and also leaving Mono behind. I looked at Five and Eight they were just confused.

''Hey were you being rude to my brother again?'' Five said to Mono.

''Seven gets bullied he did not tell me that'' Eight asked.

''It's a long story'' I replied to Eight.

'' I was not being rude to your brother'' Mono said.

''Okay, then what were you doing to your boyfrie- I mean Seven'' Eight said.

''Were you about to say Boyfriend'' Five asked.

''I don't have time for this'' Mono said and went off and left.

That was unexpected. I'm glad he is gone though I was getting annoyed a bit from him. At least Six was not here I also pretty much think she is annoying.

I looked at Eight and Five and they did the same. Finally, a couple of hours past and it was time to leave.

For me, I don't mind working here it's not that bad, to be honest. It is just annoying when Six and Mono come in.

Cant, they have anything better to do than bully others? I sighed just thinking about it. I walked back home and opened the door.

I closed the door and locked it. I went upstairs and walked past the hallways. I made it up to my room and opened the door.

As I walked in I closed the door and lay down on my bed. Everything is just useless in this world. Nothing changes.

Cant everything just is normal. This world is not what it seems. It sucks that people are born in a world like this.

When your born and grow up it is happy and nothing seems to be wrong. But one day all of that is about to change.

My eyes started to feel heavy but I went off the bed and to my desk. I opened my backpack and started doing schoolwork.

(Five's pov)

I made it home with my brother. But I always hated when he comes home tired like our parents. He went upstairs to his room.

To be honest he deserves a better life. Everyone does if I'm honest. I went to eat dinner and my mother started to watch a movie.

My dad must be at work then. He always is. I have never seen him home much often. I wished he was here to tell me everything is gonna be alright.

My mom does but she says it like everything is not gonna be alright. My mother is a nice woman but she acts like the world is ending.

On the other hand, my dad is always at work. Nothing really changes around here. The house is as cold as my skin.

Nothing really feels the same when it's at night time. The moon comes out I can see the beautiful stars outside.

The dark blue sky is as dark as the world. But all the bad people come out. The news I watch as each child goes missing.

I knew this world is not safe. When it becomes war. We have to sent away from our parents just to be safe.

To be honest I don't want that at all. I want to be at home with my family. Where I feel like nothing is wrong.

Tears form in my eyes just thinking all about this. My mother paused her movie and came over to me and hugged me.

As I hugged her I feel like everything is gonna be okay. But who knows the future. It's even worse.

At least that is what I think.

This story won't be updated as much because I'm working on the Jerk series but I will update it as much as I can I promise.

Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now