Chapter 20: Jealous much

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(Seven's pov)

Getting home from work I went upstairs and took off my uniform, and got into some pants and a shirt.

I laid down on my bed and tried to go to sleep. But sadly it only lasted like 3 to 4 hours which is not much sleep if you ask me.

I could not really sleep I was not really tried as much anymore. I thought about taking sleeping pills. 

But I just think sleeping pills are just forcing me to sleep. Which I don't want. I have school in the morning.

There is a high chance that I might not be able to get up in the morning. Just my luck. I got off from the bed and I look over.

Five was still sleeping. She sleeps as a normal person would. But if she is way too tried. She would start to um. Snore.

Walking over to the door I opened it and walked. The lights were off. Im am pretty sure everyone was fast asleep.

Now I just feel so lonely. I walked downstairs and made it to the kitchen and opened the cabinets.

I grabbed a glass cup and put it on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed some milk. I poured it into the glass. 

Drinking the milk I heard a knock on the door. It was very late at night. I walked over to the door. 

I felt like it was a killer for a second. I sighed and opened the door. It was someone a girl or boy I could not tell. 

They wore a black hood. I could not see their face the lighting was not lighting their face. I was confused about why they came.

After a bit then took out a basket and gave me a piece of bread. What the fuck is this for. Eating perhaps?

Before I had time to say something they started to back away. They must be leaving now. They did not watch where they were going and fell down.

A gasp came out of them. Yup, they are a boy they sound just like one. I will not assume so fast but they have to be a boy.

The boy pretty much fell completely down and hit their head on the road. I ran over and gave them my hand.

At first, he looked like he wants to get up himself but then he took my hand. Lifting him off the ground he backed away slowly.

Maybe because we were very close.

''What's your name and why did you come here?'' I asked him.

''I don't trust you enough to let me say my name, But I come here often and give bread to people it's a family thing, you can say were...Friendly'' The boy said.

Their voice was a little deep yet it was kinda a little funny at the same time. I might sound rude but it was the truth.

Also, he smells like he smokes. To be honest he might be like Mono and Six. They both mainly just smoke in a scary ally way.

I felt chills roll down my spine just thinking about that. He says he is friendly but he kinda sounds like he is not.

''Well, thanks for the bread I guess...Um, are you from another neighborhood?'' I said and he turned back to me.

''If I say ''I come here often'' it means I'm not from this neighborhood how have you ever thought of that? no, because maybe your parents or teachers never taught you dork '' He said in a rude tone.

''Gosh I was asking geez don't have to say it all rudely you know and I did not understand'' I said back.

''Being a bitch Seven?'' He said to me.

I was honestly stunned by his words. How the fuck did he know my name? I don't think I know him. Yet he is wearing a hood and I cant see his face.

''H-How do you know my name?'' I question and he laughed.

''Oh, I'm a ''great'' friend of Jennifer's...Im guessing she never talked about me or the others'' He said then did a sad sighed.

''How are you a friend of Jennifer's? How do you know her? who are the others? how-'' I was cut off by him talking over me.

''Don't ask so many questions dummy. Fine, my name is Truls the others and Benny and Common'' He said to me.

(TRUE FACT. There is another bully but I have no idea what is their name so I and my sister called him Common I'm sure I explain that before but I completely forgot)

(Stoopy sticker for meh)

''Okay good to know but how do you know Jennifer?'' I said to him.

''I met Jennifer when we were in middle school and then met the others a lot later, Mono hates Jennifer and for some reason, he hates us also. Jennifer then grew nicer to you guys and became friends with you and the others, Then she completely forgot all about me and Benny and Common. I sometimes blame you though'' He said.

Now I just feel bad they were past friends of Jennifer. She just completely forgot about them. That is pretty messed up if you ask me.

He sometimes blames me for it. I did not do anything wrong but if he kinda saying I took her away from him then I understand.

Still want more info about this boy but I don't wanna be snoopy. Yet I should just mind my own business.

If I'm honest he kinda sounds a little jealous. If he is saying stuff like this he might be just a little jealous of me and the others.

But who would be jealous of me. I am just a bean with some grades that are okay I guess? Yet I work at a cafe.

''Are you jealous or something?'' I asked him.


Heh, Jealous much.

Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now