Chapter 9: Sleepover during the storm 1/2

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The title of the chapter reminds me of my very very old book called "I don't wanna be just friends" I sadly deleted that story because I was not proud of it anymore. Also if you are wondering what was the book about it was a Five x Six story.

Anyways back to the chapter enjoy ♪(┌・。・)┌

(Two's pov)

I was invited to a girl named Six. I was going to be at her house. Pretty new if you ask me. I did not care or ask I just wanted to make some new friends. Not saying my others are boring.

Watching as the time passed by it was almost time to leave. I packed some of my things and put them in my backpack.

I wonder why the girl named Six agreed with Seven for me to come. I mean I'm fine with it it's just no one ever wants me to come over to their place beside Seven and FIve.

As I finishing backing up my stuff my mother came into the room. Holding my breath she started to walk over to where I was.

She grabbed my wrist really hard. Choking back my tears. This is gonna leave some marks in my wrist for sure.

My mother is not what she seems. in fact she is really rude. I wished I had another kid's life.

Still holding back my tears she threw me into a wall. A loud bang was what she heard.

My back hurts real bad it's really sore now. That's when I felt the tears going down my face.

I could not help it. plus I can't even escape her if I wanted to.

Hearing the footsteps as she walks over to me and grabs me by my ear.

I screamed in pain and let more years fall to the floor.

Why the fuck was she doing this to me. She lets go of my ear and smacks my head over the desk.

The loud bang hurted my ears but mainly my head. This is not the life I want!

My mother went over to me and pick me up and threw me to the wall across the room.

The noise made my dad walk into the room. He saw me crying and my mom just smiling.

My dad smiled at me my mom and left the room. So much for someone saving my life.

I never told anyone about this. It just might make more problems. Still I should tell someone.

Either way they are gonna find out themselves.

Why me? Is this the life that God chooses for me? I need to get away from home.

I need to runaway. I watched as my mother leaves the room and rolls her eyes at me.

Finally she is gone. I went back to my backpack and put it on and went downstairs.

I am not gonna tell my parents where I was going. Crossing my fingers that they won't find me.

Opening the fridge I packed some snacks. I went over to my parents room and stole their wallet.

This is called stealing but I don't care it's what they get. Plus it's not a big deal.

Not for me that's for sure. I snuck to the front door and opened it. I walked outside and closed the door behind me.

I never felt so free before. When this Sleepover is don't I'ma just buy a nice small apartment.

My life might change after all. I mean if I'm getting away from the people I hate the most.

Walking to Six's house which might take 30 more minutes to get there.

I saw a boy crying on the sidewalk. Weird if you ask me. Where are his parents?

"Hey little guy where are your parents?" I asked him.

"My mommy is over there but she abuses me" He said to me.

I am not letting this boy feel my pain the way I felt mine.

I picked him up and went over to an adoption center. This way he can find a new family.

The sweet boy thanked me. I gave him a lollipop 🍭 so as a way of saying "your welcome"

I wanted to give this boy a nickname so I can remember him. For now I will call him lollipop kid.

I waved him goodbye and he did the same to me. Smiling after that I continued walking.

Finally almost there I felt someone grab my arm.

Slowly turning around. I saw her...

"MOM?!" I yelled out.

"NOW WHERE ARE YOU GOING YOU LITTLE RAT" My mother yelled at me.

I blink a few times and ran off. I felt her chasing me.

And I was not wrong. The clouds were turning black. Shit.

Still running for my life. Rain starting to fall down. I did not care.

I just wanna get away from my mom. I made it to Six's house.

I knocked on the door and Six answers. She smiled at me. I looked to my side and I saw Seven.

There is a few other people but I don't know them so I won't judge.

Hearing my mother voice from behind me I walked inside quickly.

Closing and locking the door. Six wanted to make myself at home.

She seems very nice. Yet so calm looks like she does not want me home sick.

I understand that. But I won't be home sick. Not anymore.

Not going back. Not to that nightmare hell hole.

Did not care I walked to living room and sat down.

Everyone waved at me and smiled. A boy had a paper bag on for some reason.

I did not ask about it. It's his choice and life anyway.

The girl in black hair looked like she did not wanna be here.

But why she came anyway? I guess she looks nice.

Yet she kinda looks rude at the same time.

Wonder what she really is a devil or an angel.

Seven and Five hugged me. Had not seem them in forever.

Now hoping this Sleepover would turn out answsome.

Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now