Chapter 12: Tornado 2/3

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(Mono's pov)

Everyone headed to the basement door and Jennifer opened it. We all walked down and man it is still nice and smells good down here.

As expected the lights were still off. Five still have the flashlight on her phone we are okay on that.

Just hoping everything else will be okay. Who knows everyone could die right now. But I don't think that.

I don't really care if I die. Its life we die, we die that's how the world works here. I still hear the tornado from here.

Everyone sat down and I heard crying. The rest of us were confused. We turned to where we heard the crying.

Looks like Eight was the one who was crying. Five went over to her and hugged her. Eight looked like she felt better.

But was still crying a bit. It's not like the tornado is gonna turn around to our way and kill us all. To be honest it could happen.

Who knows I can't see the future. Two, Six, Jennifer, and Seven were eating. I was not hungry I am usually not hungry.

Six looked at me and walked over to me.

''Mono your gonna have to eat something you had not eaten in days are you okay?'' Six asked me.

She had a point I had not eaten in a long time.

''Im fine Six don't worry'' I answered.

''That's probably how he stays so thin if you get what I mean'' Jennifer said out loud.

''Jennifer that was pretty rude'' Seven said and Jennifer rolled her eyes.

Ugh, she is such a bitch. Who cares if I'm very thin. I mean she can't be talking she is pretty thin herself.

But our bodies are just them. There is no shame in sizes. Either way, I have been bullying people for that but I don't really care.

A little later I felt a little lightheaded. I kinda felt like throwing up. I know what it can do meaning the blood just went up to my head.

I did not feel the best yet not so good. Seven noticed and so did the others. Everyone was kinda confused.

Seven went over to me and put his hand on my head. He could not tell what was wrong. I just think I was sick.

Just then I passed out (That's kinda what happens when you feel lightheaded, heh I mean I never had it)

I woke up and looked around. Everyone was near me. I did not know what was going on. Why did I even pass out in the first place?

''Mono your finally awake!'' Two said and Eight smiled.

''What even happened? What's wrong with me?'' I asked.

Six then sighed.

''Um, Mono it's because you had not eaten in days that's the only thing we could think of how you passed out, We could be wrong but it's still probably how you should eat something or you could starve to death you don't want that do you?'' Six answered.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. Amber then went over to me and gave me leftover chicken. They must have made food upstairs.

I grabbed the chicken and ate it. I felt a lot better but still a little lightheaded. I should eat a little more often.

A little later I finished my food and now I don't feel so sick. Jennifer was still being rude to me and saying that I am very thin.

Five could not take it any longer.


Was she really serious? Jennifer crossed her arms and looked the other way. It looks like she was about to throw a fit.

Five got up and so did Amber and grabbed the both of us. I tried to make them let go but it was no use.

I kicked Five and she fell to the floor. Six gasped and then twisted my arm. She then grabbed me by the waist.

She threw me into the closet and Amber did the same with Jennifer. They closed the closet door and locked it.

Those bitches. I looked at Jennifer and she looked at me. I then broke eye contact and looked on the floor.

Jennifer then sighed and finally spoke up breaking the silence between her and me.

''Look Mono I am super sorry for what I did to you...Also for making fun of you for your mother's death It's just I had not been the same since my dad passed away from cancer...Could you ever forgive me?'' She said to me and tears formed in her eyes.

This is the first time since she ever spoke about her dad. I felt so bad for what I did and said about her.

''It's okay you don't have to be sorry..Im sorry for talking bullshit about you I don't think bullying or smoking is gonna help either way I forgive you'' I said back to her.

She then smiled and went closer to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. Jennifer then felt sleepy and fell asleep on my lap.

My eyes felt a little heavy and I ended up falling asleep with her. It was pretty cold in here and I was having chills during my sleep and I know Jennifer felt the same.

I then woke up from the light. It hurt my eyes I knew it was Five's phone. I then slowly opened my eyes and looked up.

Everyone else was there smiling and laughing. Jennifer yawned and opened her eyes. Five was proud of herself.

Jennifer then got off of me and gave her hand to me. I took it and was pulled up by her and I stood up.

We both got out of the closet and back to where everyone else was. I wondering what was happening when I and Jennifer were solving things out.

I don't think I will know anytime soon but who cares. We all sat back on the floor and then the light went off.

Looks like Five phone just died.

Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now