Chapter 3: Feelings for you?

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(Mono's pov)

I went home and opened the door. I saw my dad sitting on the couch. Im an only child with a dad and no mother. My mom died when she gave birth to me.

My dad sometimes blames me for her death but otherwise, he is a great person. I went to my room and sat down on my bed and laid there for a bit.

I started to smoke until my Dad enters the room. He coved his nose.

''Gross it smells like someone been smoking'' My dad said.

''So?'' I said back and my dad sighed and left the room.

I ignored what he said and continue what I was doing. At least he cares about my health but I will be fine.

I was texting six for a bit.

(This was the text messages lol)

Six: Hey Mono sorry I left you behind I did not feel like dealing with them

Mono: Yeah it's fine bitch

Six: Anyways I was wondering um do you have a crush on anyone at the mommet?

Mono: I told you a million times I'm not into anyone and for you, I see you as a friend.

Six: Oh well I asked that because I like someone its a girl um

Mono: Wait really?! who is it?


Mono: Just say who It is no big deal

Six: Fine...I kinda have a crush on Seven's sister SO I CAN'T CONTROL MY FEELINGS

Mono: WAIT WHAT?! I was not expecting that but some people fall in love so like I don't blame u

Six: Yeah...I thinking she does not like me back because of what we do to her brother

Mono: I mean that can be possible but hey a lot of boys like you and she might think the same you never know.

Six: I guess your right...

Mono: Yeah you're pretty likeable like me

Six: Really? don't start this again

Mono: What? It's the truth I'm pretty handsome and pretty hot if I do say so myself

Six: Not even close bro

Mono: Okay then explain the girls around me

Six: Oh shut up! They probably only like you for your money and looks.

Mono: Lol yeah you can be right about that I got to go cya Six! see you at school!

Six: Bye :D

I was still shocked about Six having a crush on Five. I can't blame it's not like I have a crush on anyone.

Not even close to liking any of the girls who ask me out they are pretty annoying. I also can't blame them.

I don't even think I like Seven he is a loser in my opinion. I mean like he is kinda cute. Wait... I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

Im thinking I just have some confused feelings. I don't like anyone. Six tries to set me up with some people.

It never works. I laugh every time she fails. Im not into anyone. It's funny seeing how hard she tries.

But if I'm honest I don't care. She always does this. It's pretty annoying just seeing all these types of girls.

I mean yeah they look nice. But I always just think they are just gonna be with me for my money and looks.

That is not what I want. But I will never know. I don't wanna know either way. It's not like I'm gonna date anyone anytime soon.

For me, I just wanna be single. My dad sometimes suggests I should date someone. But all I know I can't date anyone.

if my dad finds out he would probably be mad. He would be mad because he already set me up with someone.

He finally found a perfect, Pretty, and smart girl for me. I don't wanna date anyone I tell him that so many times but he does not listen.

I will have to marry someone when I turn the age of 18. That stupid bitch really thinks I am gonna marry her.

Nah I will just dump her. I will have to go on a date with her soon. Geez, this is gonna be so awkward. 

Let's just hope she will just run home and complains to her mom to cancel the marriage. I mean I will just say no to her.

I don't even know her name. We are just gonna sit there staring at each other like complete idiots.

Thanks a lot, dad you have been often helpful. Im glad he cares for me but he does not care that I don't wanna a relationship.

He will just anything to help me from being lonely when I move out. I can just find a lover by myself if he gives me a chance.

Either way, I won't be out looking for a lover. I got a call from an ex-best friend but I ignored it. I don't wanna call that stupid bitch.

There is no way I am gonna be talking to them or be seen with them. They were named Lily (The girl in the red scarf from Very little nightmares)

We stopped being friends right after I found out she was only being friends with me because I hang out with Six her crush.

But she only liked her because she was popular and rich. She also was being friends with me for the same thing because I was I guess rich and popular.

I don't wanna talk to her anymore. How the fuck did she even get my number? I thought I blocked her from everything.

Even if I see her at school I give her a death glare and she does the same with me. I rolled my eyes just thinking about her.

Gosh, I kinda wish she was never born. But at the same time, we had a great friendship. I shook my head just thinking about it again.

I don't know what she is up to right now. But I hope she is enjoying herself right now. Why was she calling me anyway,

Well, there is no way she is gonna say sorry anytime soon. I texted a friend I had not spoken to in a while.

His name was Nine.

Your just a bully, not my lover (Mono x Seven Little nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now