Chapter 78

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There was no pain in the butt to wait as you felt someones arm on your back.

"Caught you right on time love" hobi's voice came out as you open your eyes seeing him smiling ear to ear bending you right on the music part.

"Hobi omg thank you" you blurted immidiately thanking him. He lets a soft giggle and straightens your pose back.

"You look lovely y/n" he smiled at you widely. "And so you too mr.jung" you respond back at him.

You blushed intensely as you felt his arm snake to the back of your waist caressing with his thumb. you both swayed as the dance continues to the rhythm of instruments being played.

The music was going to finish as he spins you around and stretches his  arms as you spin your way to him and  slowly he bends you down as the music finished.

"Great moves" he winked playfully as you grinned softly.

"Thanks to you" you said happily. the party host then thanked everyone who participated the dance and return back to more event.

You were quite exhausted at all this dancing specially your legs who are quite getting cramp by your shoes.

..a little air might help..

You thought to yourself and made your way to the balcony, after asking some of the staffs you met, you finally found your way to your destination.
You open the glass door and slightly shock when you see namjoon there with a whiskey on his hands.

You were about to go back when he turn around meeting your eyes. "Oh hi y/n" he smiled putting his glass on the metal rail.

a small smile crept up to your face as you greet him back.

"Hi joon , what are you doing here" you ask walking beside him. "Just needed some air" he simply stated.
"How about you?" he ask.

"Same i guess, the air in that room was quite suffocating" you said fiddling your hands,  He lets a sigh looking out and chug his drink. "Hey no alcohol" you said taking his glass.

"What why" he exclaims with a confuse look. "It's bad for the health you idiot" you scold him as he lets a cute smile popping his dimples.

"Fine i wont but" he said pausing his sentence. "But what?" you asked putting the glass away.

"I didn't get the chance to dance with you earlier so may i ?" he charmingly said bowing and reached his hands.

You chuckled at him as you slowly give your hand. "Perhaps i can" you giggled and took his hands. it might be awkward to dance without music but when he started spinning and swaying you was very romantic at all.

You both laughed at each other dancing like idiots in the balcony. after that you both decided to go back in the party and enjoy while the night is still not over.

As you both entered the room you spot jungkook in a table with their p.a clinging into his arms.


You widened your eyes as you see that she is trying to get closer and leaned her face to jk. she trying to kiss him?...

Jungkook pushed her away as he turn and saw you and smiled, you smiled back at him. "EYOOO noona you look good" he chimed as you laughed at him.

Just then he approaches you he reached his hands to your mask and slowly pulls it down and then snaked his hand to the back of your neck pulling your hair tie down. "You look prettier without it" he commented as you blushed at his state.

"I like your costume" you said holding the hem of his griffindor scarf. "I like harry potter" he giggled showing his bunny teeth.

"Im a potter head too" you smiled at him. "What house are you then" he tilted his brow.

"Im a slytherin, simping over malfoy" you laughed as he did too.

"Dont mind her anyway she's always like that" he rolled his eyes to their p.a who was dancing with some random dude. "It's fine kook" you smiled at him. The host announce a game would be played now called paper folding game where two players are needed.

.."Lets participate y/n"..

𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚓𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now