Chapter 3

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Eun sang's Pov:

We came to our last subject and the teacher, our adviser came with some boys carrying empty boxes with our names.

we all got confused then the teacher spoked "so guys since it is the last day of us meeting im giving you some free time to collect all your belongings in your lockers and have a little rest after cause a gathering will soon be announced " she said smiling at us and started to tear up.

the room soon filled with aww's and giggles feeling our teachers concern and love between her students , she was a really kind teacher to be honest we all loved her.

we all waited for our names to called and be given our boxes to put our things in there . Y/n came to me and suggested we go together and pack our stuff i agreed and we both walked to the halls as we our boxes and talked some random things.

Y/n's POV:

We got to our locker and started packing our stuffs . mines wasn't that special anyway it was just a black and white themed while eun sang's locker beside mine was all girly stuff .

 mines wasn't that special anyway it was just a black and white themed while eun sang's locker beside mine was all girly stuff

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while stuffing and talking eun sang's notebook fell and something from inside it fell too, it was a photo of seven boys .

i picked it up and gave it to her "Wow you found it i was looking for it everywhere" she said, i shrugged and continued packing when she started eiking and fan girling again haha.

"their so handsome" she complimented. "whats so special about them anyway i said" making her stomp at me.

"obviously you dont know them cause your "too focused on books" she mimicked at me. "hey! atleast i stand some girl group out there , boy groups aren't just my type ok?" i respond back .

"aren't typed yet" she said like in a correcting tone , i chuckled " what ever you say madam" i said while still putting my last few stuff and some memory photos from camping in to the box , i saw my mini journal book and took a peek at it since its was pretty much i wrote in it for days.

it was pretty cute they were some of my writings, plans and notes and a little bit of journal aesthetic vibe HAHA,

while reading it, the notebook was forcefully grab from my hand and eun sang laughing at me with my reaction "definitely not funny (-,-)" i said

"sorry hahaha let me take a look at this pretty thing " she said and i let her and continued finishing at packing my stuff not knowing that eun sang put something inside the note and handed to me back.

"you done? " i asked while pointing at her box " stuff wasn't that much " she said.

"y/n-ah promise me were still gonna hang out after this day " she said pouting at me ...cute..

"ne.. ne ( fine.. fine) i promised at her smiling at her cuteness,

" you better be " she said and then jumped at me for a hug .

so when the students finished packing and while the other school students are having a wild party at their respected rooms the announcer rang to announce something

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so when the students finished packing and while the other school students are having a wild party at their respected rooms the announcer rang to announce something.

📣: "Announcement students ! there will be a gathering to all college at the center building of the covered court today after the last quarter of subject , let us all enjoy the last day of college year and let us soon meet to began another school year!

After the announcement was announced the joy went 10x and yellings of happiness and cries of sadness can be heard and seen in the school hallways and classrooms

..this school is so full of drama actors istg..

after the last subject we all ran to center building, it was like a building at every corner and theres a not so big space in the middle.

we saw the principal and the other teachers there watching everystudent making a way to see the gatherings.
soon the speech started

"to all college students in this school i would like to thank you all from me and the teachers for choosing and staying at this school for your education" she said when someone from the crowd shouted.

"i was forced to go here!" and we all laugh from who ever it was

"again i would also like to thank all of you for finishing this year and congrats to those seniors who are now graduating let us all enjoy the last day !" she shouted making us all shout at unison.

cries , laughs , and cheers are heard to everyone at the school , after the speech we all got back and said goodbyes to our teachers and friends for the last time .

after that me and eun sang decided that this day needs a celebration , so we called some of our friends lee bona , chan-yeon , and dong yong to eat out they agreed and said to meet up at the school gate, we all came and thank god chan-yeon brought his car so we wont walk with our stuff .

the others soon came and we loaded our box in the trunk and dong yong said we girls should sit at the back and the boys at the front , we slide in the car , i took my phone and dialed my mom

"your asking for permission? god your 23 " lee bona said groaning his head back on the seat.

" well uhh yeah , you know how she worries about me like all the time i go out , i wanted to tell her that im not a kid anymore duhh " i replied rolling my eyes and waited her to answer.

"yeoboseo? (hello?) " the line picked up ," eomma my friends and i are having a celebration at a resturant im just gonna stay a little bit late , but dont worry its just near ok dont worry that much" i said feeling my heart slamming at my chest hoping to hear her golden Yes .

"ahh is that so? ok then just make sure they take you home arraseo? (understood?)" she said commandingly , i chuckled.

"ara (i know) byeeee~" i said before hanging up. "your such a bummer " bona said.

"oh shut up " i said nudging her arm and we both laugh , the boys soon came and shouted

"kaja! (lets go!) " and started the car.

hi there hoped you like the 3rd chapter keep reading my lovelies
ill try to update asap:)

-----your author

𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚓𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛Where stories live. Discover now