"Lunacy!" Sirius said as he tried to pull Honey off.

"Theft!" Honey cried, holding onto James's head.

"Bullying!" James yelled, prying her hands off his eyes, stumbling around blindly.

"James, give it back. Honey, off. Sirius, watch them please," Euphemia said, pointing a wooden spoon at each in turn. "Honey, James, I meant now."

Honey landed on the ground spryly, tugging the diary out of James's hands. She smacked him before walking away.

"Ouch," James said, rubbing his cheek.

"I can't even get mad at her for it," Euphemia sighed. "You know you're not supposed to take her things anymore. Remember what happened when you did that the first few times? We don't need another inter-sibling war."

"Yes, mum," James said.

"Go apologize," Euphemia ordered.

James muttered under his breath, hopping down the stairs after Honey. He followed, but not too closely. He didn't want another broken nose or anything.

"Pup?!" They heard him call.

"Get lost you little Ass Hat," Honey snapped.

"I have to apologize!" James said.

"No!" Honey slammed her door.

They heard the same door creak open, and close again.

"I couldn't catch her until she was already strangling him," Sirius ran a hand through his long hair.

"Don't worry dear, it's not your fault," Euphemia shook her head. "I expect nothing less from them. It's what they do."

"Oh, and Remus and Sebastian?" Sirius said, turning to face the shocked boys. "Sorry for ruining your moment."

"It's fine," They replied together.

"I should go make sure that they don't kill each other," Sirius excused himself.

"Mimi!" Cole cried, running up to the woman.

"What is it, my dear?" Euphemia asked.

"Can I go to Leo's house?" The small boy asked.

"If his mum's okay with it," Euphemia agreed.

"She is! Bye! Bye Sebbie! See you soon, I hope!" Cole yelled as he ran out of the house.

"Ah yes, you boys are leaving soon, right?" Fleamont asked.

"Yes, sir," Remus agreed.

"We'll see you at the wedding or sooner," Fleamont shook their hands.

"Yes, sir," Sebastian smiled.

"Bye boys," Euphemia pulled them into a suffocating hug.

"Bye, Mimi," They said.

"Go say goodbye to the others. I'll bring your bags down," Euphemia told them, picking up one bag in each arm. "I'll leave them by the door so you can apparate."

"See you," Remus said, hopping down the stairs quickly.

"Wait up!" Sebastian called after him.

Sebastian moved swiftly down the stairs, his wavy hair bouncing around his face. They were an adorable couple.

"Honey!" Lily said in surprise from within the room.

"Do you want me to lie?" Honey replied.

"Can we come in?" Sebastian asked.

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