He was wearing the black trousers he had worn the night before, a white shirt, and his long brown trench coat.

"I like your outfit," Honey commented, ignoring his earlier question.

"Thanks. Yours is better," Remus grinned, bumping into her gently.

"Ah, thanks, dear," Honey chuckled. "I thought we could go to the pond, watch the village idiot, then take a walk through the forest? Oh! And then we could get hot chocolate!"

"Sounds good. I'm going to follow you, no matter where you go," He told her as they walked through the lane.

"If I walk off a cliff, you would follow me?" She replied, letting a puppy sniff her hand.

"Who says I wouldn't already be at the bottom?" He asked.

Honey gave him a look.

"Fine. That's a cute puppy," Honey smiled, pointing at a black and white dog across the street.

"That's a dog, not a puppy," Remus corrected.

"That's a puppy. All dogs are puppies, not dogs until they're dead," Honey replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because dogs like it when people call them puppies. Their tails wag so fast they go faster than the earth around the sun," Honey explained.

"I've never noticed," He said.

"Why don't we skip the forest and town idiot and go straight for the hot chocolate," Honey offered. "Ooh! And cookies!"

"Straight? That might be a little hard for us," He laughed, proving his point by wobbling around.

"Way too hard," Honey chuckled as they veered to the bakery.

"So we're somewhat gay, who cares! We are the Bisexual Bitches!" Remus declared.

"Very true, my dear boy," Honey laughed at him.

"Hello!" Remus said to the baker.

"Hello, dears," The baker said. "What can I do for you today?"

"Can we have seventeen cookies and two hot chocolates, please?" Honey asked.

"Of course, and what would you like young man?" The baker asked.

"A hot chocolate, please," Remus smiled.

"Of course," The baker smiled, moving around behind the counter.

The blue-haired, blue-eyed, baker packaged eighteen cookies into the bag, one more than Honey ordered. The hot chocolates were poured, but only into two to-go cups. One was significantly larger than the other, obviously able to accommodate two hot chocolates.

"That's twelve pounds," The young woman said.

"Of course," Honey handed over the banknotes and coins.

"Thank you," Remus took the cups as Honey took the bag.

The two walked out the door, the bell ringing behind them. Honey smiled, pulling one of the large chocolate chip cookies out of the bag.

"Want one?" Honey offered.

"Thanks, Pup. Want your hot chocolate?" He replied.

"Uhh, let me just stuff these cookies into my pocket," She replied, pushing the paper bag into her pocket gently.

"Alright, here," Remus exchanged the chocolate for a cookie.

"Thanks, Moony," She smiled.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked as they walked back to the house.

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