Part 48: Tricks up their sleeves

Start from the beginning

"But, he knows not to get on my bad side. Doesn't he?" Honey said, putting her hand on Sirius's face to calm him.

"He sure as hell will," Sirius muttered grimly, taking her other hand.

"It's fine!" Honey said, brushing away her tears. "I'm gonna go change before dinner. See you in a while."

She slipped away from everyone, leaving them stunned. It didn't matter how 'fine' she was acting. They knew Sylvester had hurt her. Lily stood to follow but wasn't sure of what to say when she got to Honey. So, she sat down for a moment again before following.

From under the door, Honey's voice floated out. Her singing flooded the hall with music, and there were a few people gathered around.

"I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
Body, let me see your body
Take off all your makeup and your clothes
Trust me, why don't you just trust me?
You're the only beauty, show me more
You're not a dime a dozen
Oh, your skin is golden
Let me show the whole damn world
You're one in a billion
The only thing you're missin'
Is some tape over that mouth
Body, I'm more than my body
You can pack your things up, buh bye, just go
Body, I'm more than my body
Don't owe you a thing, no, not at all
I'm not a toy to play with
Not just a sight to see and
My mind is worth its weight in gold
I'm not a dime a dozen
I know I'm worth this, more than
You will ever know
Touch me, you just want to feel me
You just want to share me
You don't care at all
Trust you, why don't I just trust you?
You just want to use me
Now I know
Body, I'm more than my body
You will never get me, buh bye, just go
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
My body
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
My body
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
My body
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than
My body
I'm more than
I'm more than
I'm more than," Her voice rang sadly.

It was as if a blast of emotion was shot out, rather than voice. She sounded so broken. Like she could never believe in humanity again. And she probably couldn't.

The door opened to reveal Honey, freshly dressed in black leggings, white trainers, and a large navy t-shirt. Lily pushed through the crowd, drawing Honey into a warm hug. The hall was filled with weeping girls, so they made their way to the common room. The change, however, was only the people crying.

"I guess my voice is loud," Honey scratched the back of her neck, revealed by the way her hair was pulled up.

"Your message was even louder," Lily pointed to the corner where Sylvester and a group of his friends were huddled.

"I'm just glad that I will never have to see him again in a few months," Honey sighed, sitting on the couch with Sirius, Remus and James. "Peter still missing?"

"Yeah, he hasn't been up to the dorm for two and a half days," James said, wiping his tears onto the collar of his shirt. "I've asked around, but nobody's seen him. It's rather odd. He didn't leave you a note? Again? Doesn't he remember what happened last time?"

"There was no note," Honey said, shaking her head. "I presume he 'forgot' to do it again. I truly do wonder where he goes."

The group submerged into silence. Not one of those more awkward-than-a-teenager kinds of silences, but the kind you have at three in the morning. Tranquil. Friendly. 

Remus sat, watching the fire crackle with a book open in his lap. James and Lily shared an armchair near the edge of the hearth, holding hands. Sirius stroked Honey's hair as she laid her head in his lap, her feet landing just over Remus's legs.

"What have you kiddo's been up to?" Sebastian asked, sliding under Honey's legs.

"Making people cry," Honey said, gesturing around the room.

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