Chapter: 102

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Reyhan smilingly opened the window of the room in the morning, Emir and Reymir scrunched their eyes in sleep. Emir groaned while little Reymir buried her tiny face in her father's stomach.

Emir: (annoyingly) Reyhan...! Please close the window. We are still sleeping.

Reyhan smiled wickedly and turned towards them.

Reyhan: (mischievously) Enough of your sleeping, Mr. Daddy Emir! Come'on, get up, it's already 8 am!

Emir: (in sleepy tone) just ten minutes more!

Reyhan shaked her head in disbelief and came to Emir and started to remove his duvet while Emir protested.

Emir: (in warning tone) Reyhan! Let me sleep peacefully otherwise, I won't let you sleep whole night!

Reyhan's jaws dropped and she started to look here and there nervously. She very well knew, what he meant! Emir opened his eyes slightly and saw her blushing and getting nervous at the same time. He smiled slightly and his his heart filled with joy on seeing her blushing, even after living with him for so much time. He thought, he could stare at her blushing face till the last day of his life.

He noticed that she was looking everywhere except him! A naughty thought popped up in his mind and grabbing that opportunity, he pulled her on him and buried his face in the crook of her neck. She shivered as his hot breathe fell on her delicate and sensitive skin and she closed her eyes to feel him on her neck!

Emir slowly started to place peppered kisses on her neck and trailed upwards. Soon, he reached her lips and nibbled her lower lips, sucking it like a candy! Reyhan took sharp breath and gave into the passion. She forgot the track of time and got her senses back only when she heard her daughter's clapping and giggling sound.

Reymir, who was sleeping peacefully by snuggling into her father's stomach, woke up when she heard her parent's moaning sound! Little Reymir liked her parents intimacy so much that she started to giggle and clap happily.

Emir and Reyhan came into their senses and realized that their little daughter had grown up now! Reyhan immediately got up from him and took 1 and half year old Reymir in her arms. Emir too woke up and noticed that Reymir has stopped giggling. Just then a thought again came across his mind and he kissed Reyhan's cheek from behind. Reyhan jumped in surprise and glared at Emir while he gave her a toothy smile in return.

Reyhan: (scoldingly) Emir! What are you doing? We should not romance in front of our daughter!

Emir: (smilingly) My princess was not showing her cute smile, that's why I kissed you to make her smile again!

Reyhan continued to glare at him while narrowing her eyes.

Emir: (excitedly) You wanna see the demo? (He placed a noisy kiss on her cheek again and little Reymir again excitedly giggled and clapped) See! How happy she is to see her parents romancing!

Reyhan: (in scolding manner) Emir!!!

She said and blushed when again Emir kissed her cheek making their daughter squeal in happiness once again.

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