Chapter: 54

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Emir stayed in the balcony till aunt Mukadar was there. He overheard everything. Some conversation left him confused while some left him shocked. But mostly, he felt happy. He felt happy because Reyhan chooses him over Mehmet to accompany her for her sonography.

When aunt Mukadar left, he came inside the room. Though he was happy but he couldn't help himself from asking her about his confusion.

Emir: (Frowning a little) Why didn't you married Mehmet earlier?

In reply, Reyhan gave him a stern look before going to washroom. She left the room without answering his question, but not before telling him to get ready to go to the hospital.

A confused Emir came out of the room and sat down on the sofa, in deep thoughts.

"She left me to marry Mehmet."

"No, she literally eloped with him!"

"But still they are not married?"

"I clearly remember what Cemre told me. She told me that they are happily married now and got settled somewhere near beach."

"She was sure at that time as she saw their wedding pictures on social media. She had sent me those pictures too."

"Which I obviously deleted without seeing!"

"But if they are not married then how come she came across that photo?"

"Who morphed their picture and posted it on social media?"

"Was she lying to me about their wedding?"

Frowning a little,

"But why would she?"

"She is my bestfriend, she can never lie to me!"

"May be she had seen their pre wedding photographs."

He reasoned.

"But why they didn't got married on the first place?"

"Were they really going to marry each other?"

"Or am I missing something?"

Emir voiced out the last line loud.

Mehmet: (answering him) Yep! Your happiness. And your mental peace!

Emir looked at him confusedly. To which he just smiled and said.

Mehmet: (smiling mischievously) Buddy! Get ready soon, otherwise handling an angry pregnant wife will be  very difficult.

Saying so he chuckled and bent a little to avoid the flying pillow which was thrown by Reyhan on his comment.

Reyhan: (angrily, putting her both hands on her waist) What did you just called me? Angry? Wait, I will show you the real meaning of anger.

Saying so, she started to throw pillows, cushions on him. A concerned Emir tried to make her calm while Mehmet couldn't help but laugh. After few moments Emir too joined him in his laughter, infecting Reyhan too. The whole living room echoed with their laughter.

Reyhan laughed like she never laughed for ages. She was laughing while rolling over sofa as well as on Emir. At first, Emir didn't noticed this but when he did, his chest filled with pride. It was the first time when he saw her laughing so whole heartedly. It was the first time when he saw her real self, her carefree self.

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