Chapter: 56

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Emir checked into a hotel and carried an unconscious Reyhan in his arms to the room. He carefully put her on the bed and went to search for some bathrobes for them. He found one but it was not in the proper condition. He called the room service but they apologized and said that they can't provide a new one at this hour.

He sat down on the edge of the bed beside Reyhan, putting his head in his palms. With apologetic eyes he glanced over Reyhan once, then got up and slowly moved towards Reyhan.

One by one, he removed all her dress and tugged her properly into the blanket. He too undressed himself and slipped beside her, in the same blanket.

Though it was hard for him, still he maintained a decent distance from her. He was afraid of her. He was afraid of getting close to her as every time they came closer, something bad happened. So this time, he didn't wanted anything to happen like that. This time he wanted to stay with Reyhan.

Cemre was pacing in Cavidan's room. They were eagerly waiting for their lawyer to call them but he didn't called them yet. All of a sudden, Cemre stopped in her track and turned towards Cavidan in horror.

Cemre: (in anticipation) What if the lawyer forgot to send those legal notice to Reyhan? What if he called Emir for permission? What if he...

Cavidan: (holding her hand and tapping her back lightly) Calm down Cemre, calm down! He hadn't call Emir. Be assured! I have my men to look over him. (Slowly moving towards the window) But I don't know why he didn't informed us anything. And even Emir didn't called us. I wish everything is fine.

Saying so, she looked upwards, inorder to pray to the God.

Mukadar and Mehmet were still worriedly waiting for them when Mehmet's phone peeped with a message notification. He felt relieved on seeing the sender name. It was from Emir. He messaged them stating, "I and Reyhan are fine. Actually, we got late at the seashore. That's why we thought not to bother you guys and booked a hotel nearby."

Mehmet read the message and smiled. He wished to the God to keep them happy and safe.

It was about to midnight when Emir heard a teeth chattering sound. He turned around and saw Reyhan shivering violently. He immediately inched towards her and put his palms on her forehead to check the temperature. He got tensed when he realized that she had temperature. Her whole body was trembling like a dry leaf and was burning due to temperature.

He immediately called the room service and they got him connected with a doctor. The doctor was out of station at that time so he dictated him the precautionary measures over phone.

When the call ended, he glanced over Reyhan. Still she was shaking. He bowed down his head and remembered his conversation with doctor.

Flash back...

Emir: (impatiently) Doctor! Reyhan is ill. She is suffering from cold and she has temperature!

He said all this in one go, without even breathing for once. Doctor smiled a little and asked.

Doctor: You are her husband, isn't it?

Emir: (Almost immediately) Yes! I am... I am her husband!

He said the last line with little pain.

Doctor: Then you don't have to worry for her. Just give her your body heat and then she will be alright.

Unarranged Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن