Chapter: 62

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Emir glanced at a sleeping Reyhan and kissed her forehead. She smiled in her sleep as if reciprocating him. He looked out of the window and smiled remembering the last night.


Emir was pacing back and forth in his room. He didn't liked it, when Mehmet asked him not to enter living  room when Mehmet, lawyer and Reyhan were discussing there.

They were discussing about the case. The case, about which, even he didn't knew anything. He had already called his legal team and strictly told them not to step inside the court tomorrow. And had assigned his private men to look for the culprits who filed that case on his behalf.

Even after making sure that Reyhan wouldn't have to fight the case, he was not at peace. He was restless. He was restless because, if a person can file a case against Reyhan on his behalf that too without revealing himself, then he can do anything. He restlessly ran his fingers in his little messy hair.

"I don't know, who is he?!"

"But certainly, he is a dangerous man."

"If he can file a case, without revealing his identity, not even to my lawyer, then he can do anything!"

"And I don't even know what all he did in the past!"

"May be, he is the one who released our video in Istanbul."

Suddenly he stopped in his path and looked here and there while putting his both hand on either side of his waist.

"Yes! He can be the one!"

"But the shocking  part is that no one knew about my whereabouts of that night, not even my family members."

"I was at Reyhan's place on that day and none of us knew about her whereabouts earlier."

"Apart from Selim, Banu and their team no one even knew Reyhan!"

"That means that person is from Selim's company."

"But who ?"

He sat down on the edge of the bed thinking deeply by putting his face in his palms. He stayed like that for few minutes only to raise his head from the palms in determination.

"I can't leave Reyhan alone here."

"She will be staying with me, in Istanbul!"

"She is my wife and she will remain the one!"

"We will raise our children together."

"No matter what, I won't let anyone to separate us again."

"I won't leave her alone this time!"

Thinking so, he got up and tip-toeingly went to Reyhan's room. She was writing something in her diary, he came out of the room and called her gynecologist to ask about the safe sleeping pills dose during pregnancy.

He again went to her room with the glass of milk, mixing sleeping pills into it, and made her drink. Once he was sure that she slept, he scooped her in his arms and went out of the house after making sure that no one was seeing him. He again went inside, packed her and his belongings and arranged pillows and cushions on the bed, making it appear like a sleeping Reyhan.

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