Chapter: 85

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Reyhan and Emir were returning home when Reyhan remembered something. She hesitantly turned her gaze towards Emir and said.

Reyhan: (apologetically) You were planning to go for a race... I am sorry, because of me you couldn't make it on time.

Emir gave a quick glance to her and recalled his conversation with Cemre. She was very excited to go there but he was not!

Emir: (concentrating on the road) No, it's ok. I was also not in the mood to go there.

Reyhan turned towards him completely and was surprised with his answer. She thought he must have missed Cemre's company but here, he was telling otherwise! Emir saw her through corner of his eyes and smiled inwardly.

"Oho...! So my little wife is jealous! Sounds great!"

He chuckled making Reyhan frown in confusion. She raised her one eyebrow as if asking him "what?" To which he nodded his head in no.

They were on the main road when suddenly Reyhan's eyes fell on the nearby shop. She suddenly remembered Emir mentioning about "chocolates!"

Emir: (turning to Reyhan) What? Did you said something?

Reyhan realized that she recalled her thoughts a bit loudly. She smiled sheepishly and said.

Reyhan: (plainly) You were saying something in the hospital. About... (Inhaling deep, slowly) about.... chocolate.

Emir smirked and took a U turn without saying anything to her. At first, Reyhan thought he ignored her but when she saw him parking the car near a shop, she clapped excitedly.

At the shop, Emir was staring at Reyhan in bewilderment while she was busy in ordering her chocolates! Till today, he  didn't even knew that, that much variety of chocolates exists! He asked her in shock.

Emir: Don't you think Reyhan it's too much now?

Reyhan: (ignoring him) Brother, give me this in raisin flavour too. (Turning to Emir, rubbing her belly) I am not purchasing this for myself, it's for your girl.

She said pouting her lips while Emir rolled his eyes muttering "unbelievable" under his breath. He payed the bill and carried two bags, full of chocolates, to the car. While Reyhan happily munched her favourite raisin chocolate.

It was not even a minute since he started to drive when Reyhan again asked him to stop at a burger point! She excitedly showed him the shop and asked him to take her there.

Emir: (Sarcastically) Does my girl wants it too?

Reyhan: (almost instantly) No, her mother wants it! Now, take me there otherwise your daughter will punish you whole night for ignoring her mother's cravings.

She said while crossing her arms in front of her chest while Emir gave her "unbelievable" look!

An irritated Emir stared at Reyhan by narrowing his eyes while Reyhan had her gala time there with her now favourite burger. Ignoring him completely, she even ordered the shop owner to pack some burger, so that she can eat that at home. Filling her stomach completely, Reyhan finally bid goodbye to the shop owner and happily returned to the car with Emir who was wondering "from where does she got this much appetite?"

Unarranged LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora