Chapter: 6

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Emir was restlessly pacing in the office. He was not able to pay any attention to the work. Whenever he was closing his eyes, Reyhan's teary eyes of last night kept on flashing in front of his eyes. He tried to concentrate his mind in client meetings and in new project but nothing was fruitful.

He went to the window of his cabin and looked down, through the glass of the window. The building was high rise and he can see the roads, which were so far distant from there. The road appeared so deep, Just like Reyhan's eyes. Deep, filled with hopes, filled with dreams. He remembered his first meeting with her.


Emir was hell tired today, by doing back to back work in the office. That was the first time when he spent his whole day in office. Unlike other times, when he used to sneak out with friends for club. Work was not his cup of tea and he used to spent a lot in pubs and clubs. Obviously, today his father gave strict instructions to his uncle Kemal to keep an eye on him and inform him if he leaves before time. Kemal, who was partner in crime of Emir and had helped in sneaking out, was bound to obey is elder brother as he was too afraid of his wrath.

He groaned as he pressed the door bell for the nth time. But no one was opening the door for him. He banged on the door, little lounder, a huffing and puffing Nigar opened the door for him.

Nigar: Welcome Mr. Emir!

She said smilingly.

Emir: What took you so long to open the door?

He asked while gritting his teeth and went straight to his room without hearing her answer. He was in very foul mood today. 

"Seems like every one is hell bend to piss me off today!"

He groaned again while loosening his tie and tossing around it somewhere in the room. Just then a gust of wind caressed his cheeks and blew some of his hair strands. All of a sudden, he felt relieved.

"Atleast today's wind is soothing!"

He sighed and fell flat on the bed, only to sit abruptly and inhaled deeply.

"This smell?? It is so aromatic! So soothing!"

"I wonder, where it is coming from?"

"This seems to be a girl's scent. But no one in this house wears this perfume, not even Cemre!"

Thinking so he got up and went out trying to find out the source of that pleasant smell. He met Melike on his way and asked her.

Emir: Can you smell this jasmine scent? I wonder where it is coming from!

Melike: (Confusingly) No son, may be it is coming from Reyhan, she must be wearing this scent. You should check on her in kitchen.

Saying so she resumed her work while he froze on his spot in daze.


"Meaning, basil, fresh and natural!"

"Her scent, her name is sooo soothing."

"But she can never be your that Reyhan."

The last thought broke his trance and he went to kichen to check on that Reyhan. And to judge if she was better than his Reyhan or not.

The moment he saw her, he was clean bowled. She was utterly beautiful, divine. Even in her simple green dress, she was looking ethereal.

He noticed that she was picking up the broken pieces of the plate and she got her hand hurt in the process. He immediately rushed to her and held her palms. He felt her shivered under his touch and then he lifted his eyes to see her in her eyes. And there was spark.

She hardly looked into his eyes for two or three seconds but that was enough for Emir to see the depth of her eyes. Deep, like an ocean. Filled with dreams and hopes.

He applied first aid on her injured palm and left the kitchen, not before glancing at her one last time. And again there eyes met.

All his tiredness, all his grumpiness, were now nowhere to be seen. He felt refreshed, energized. But then the eyes of his Reyhan appeared in front of his eyes. He remembered his childhood where he used to visit a small village, though he didn't remembered the name of the village, but he used to visit there with his dad. His mother never approved this, still he used to somehow convince his dad and used to flee there with him, only to see his Reyhan.

He remembered her tiny fingers combing his hair. He remembered her calling his name, in the sweetest way possible, and come running to him, every time he visited there.

But with time, everything changed. As he grew older, he couldn't manage to visit there as his studies came in between. And then he heard that her father passed away. So, she remained there with her mother only. He wanted to go to her but his mother gave him the oath that he will never go to any small village as this doesn't suits him. Few days later, his mother informed that Reyhan and her mother passed away in a bus accident. This news broke his heart. He cried and cried a lot that night as his first and only love remained incomplete.

So, from that day, he only left with her childhood memories. Everyday he used to draw her picture, using his childhood memories but other than eyes he never recollected much about her.

"Her eyes resembles the eyes of my Reyhan. But I know that she can never be my Reyhan, never."

He thought dejectedly.

And then in the evening, when his father announced his marriage with her. He was not happy, he admits, but he was not sad either. Though he protested at first but then thought that one day or the other he has to marry someone then why not marrying her. Atleast she carries the same name as Reyhan and she appears innocent, naive and decent. Thinking so he agreed and married her.

But all his bubbles of hope bursted on the wedding night, when his childhood best friend told everything about her. Though she didn't wanted to tell him but he heard everything during his semi concious state and was furious on this Reyhan. More than her, he was furious on himself as how easily he started to like her and how easily he married her thinking her to be like his innocent Reyhan.

That night when he was saying those awful words to her, it was more meant for him than her. He wanted to fix that permanently in his mind that this world is not as pure as his Reyhan. No one was, no one is, and no one will be as innocent as his Reyhan.

He fixed it in his mind that this Reyhan, who is his legally wedded wife is nothing but a gold- digger. She wants only money and nothing else.

Flashback ends...

"If she is really a gold digger, then why she cried that night?"

"And why she cried yesterday night too?"

"Is she expecting something from me?"

"Oh yeah! other than money what can she expect from me!"

He thought with anger filled eyes.

"As Cemre said, she threatened everyone in the mansion, except me and dad because she wanted to be in our good books."

"So that she can easily fool us!"

"Besides, this can be her trick to distract me from questioning her about her night out!"

"Cemre told me that she was in the hospital with her village friend Mehmet."

"She could have told me about that guy but she kept mum!"

"This means he is not just her regular friend but he is someone especial to her!"

He curled his finger into fist while thinking about that someone especial in her life. Just then his phone buzzed with a notification which made his eyes wide in shock.

Loads of love!

Thank you♡

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