Chapter: 65

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Emir went out of the mansion for some work and Reyhan was alone sitting at the poolside with her evening coffee. She was sitting alone there as Cavidan didn't even bothered to greet her or talk to her. And Suna was in the clinic for her treatment.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she felt someone coming to her and sitting beside her. She turned her head around to see the person and was surprised to see a smiling Cemre there. Cemre smilingly greeted her and took her palms in her arms.

Cemre: (Smilingly, with tears in her eyes) I can't tell you, how happy am I, when I got to know your are pregnant! You know, I literally jumped up and down in happiness. (Getting sad a little) You know, not all are lucky enough to get this happiness of motherhood and I am glad that you are among those lucky ones.

As soon as she finished her line, she hugged Reyhan immediately making her shocked and surprised at the same time. Cemre came out of the hug and cupped her cheek with her right hand while her left hand was firmly holding Reyhan's right palm.

Cemre: (Smilingly) Thank you, Reyhan! For bringing this happiness.

She said eyeing her still flat flat belly. Reyhan smiled and caressed her belly with her left hand. As she got busy in caressing her belly, Cemre facial expression got changed for a moment. She stared at her in pure disgust. But again changed her expression when she find Reyhan turning towards her. She again smiled seeing her.

Cemre: (Smilingly) And a hearty thank you for giving your baby to us!

Reyhan couldn't get the meaning but she smiled. Cemre noticed this and again said.

Cemre: (In little sad tone) You know, we were on college when me and Emir took me out for our first official date. (Reading the confused expression of Reyhan) He had proposed me that day only and asked me for a date. I was so elated at that time. I can't tell you how happy I was! We were happy! Our families were happy. (She paused a little) but happiness was short lived, as on the way of our destination, we met with an accident.

Reyhan: (shocked) An accident??

Cemre: (sadly) Yes, Emir hit the car with a  tree. (Holding her hand, suddenly) But it was not his fault, though he asked me for a kiss but I should have refused him! But you see, I couldn't manage to refuse him. As you know, once he demands something, he gets it at any cost. So, in order to not to spoil his mood, I kissed him. And that's were I went wrong. We got so engrossed in the kiss that we didn't noticed an old woman who was crossing the road and when Emir finally saw her, it was already late. In order to protect her in the nick time, Emir turned the steering sharply and our car met with the accident.

Reyhan had tears in her eyes by now. Even imagining something like that was horrible and Cemre and Emir had to go through it.

Cemre: (Continuing further) We were rushed to the nearby hospital and there we got to know that due to the internal damage, (trying to inhale deep) I can't become a mother.

Saying so, she started to crying profusely. Reyhan immediately pulled her in her arms and tried to calm her down but even she was crying on hearing her story.

Cemre: (In between her sobs) Everyone was shocked to hear this news. Emir was ready to marry me then and there because he was in guilt for putting me in this situation. But Hikmet uncle was against this. He was not ready to marry Emir to me as I couldn't give this family a heir. That's why he brought you here and married you with Emir. After Erzurum, Emir didn't wanted to go back to you ever but when he found out that you are pregnant, he was happy. He was happy because we can finally have a child. A child who cam call me Mumma!

Reyhan came out of the hug with jerk and stood up while staring at Cemre in utter disbelief.

Cemre: (Continuing further) Thank you, Reyhan, for making me a mother! Thank you Reyhan for giving this child to me!

Reyhan couldn't stand there for more time. She immediately ran from there and came inside her room while closing the door behind her. She stood there, supporting her back on the door and kept her palms on her mouth tightly to keep her crying noises to herself. She cried and cried before crumbling down on the floor.

Cemre kept on staring at her retreating figure and when finally Reyhan was out of her sight, she wiped her fake tears and smirked evilly.

"Now I will see how long you are going to stay here, Reyhan!"

"I know you are a emotional fool and manipulating you is the easiest task!"

"I have done that earlier too, more times than even I can count!"

She laughed hysterically but became silent all of a sudden.

"Emir is mine, and he will be mine forever."

"It will be good if you leave now only otherwise, I can't promise for your and your child's safety."

Thinking so, she went from there while humming her favorite song.

Reyhan was still crying in her room, by covering her face with her palms.

"Emir brought me here for our child?"

"He brought me here, so that he can give this child to Cemre and make her his mother officially?"

"Did he really filed that custody case?"

"Did he really tried to snatch my child from me?"

"No! No! No, no, no, I can't let him succeed!"

"I am his mother and I will be his mother only!"

She thought as she protectively wrapped her hand around her belly.

"Nobody, nobody can separate me from my child!"

"I have to save my child!"

"I have to save him before it's too late!"

Thinking so, she immediately ran towards wardrobe and started to stuff her clothes in a suitcase. As she was doing so, all of a sudden she stilled.

"Was baba did this all purposely?"

"Did he too made me marry Emir so that I can give heir to this family?"

"Did he too wanted to make Cemre his daughter in law but changed his mind after their accident?"

"Did he lied to me about his promise to my mother?"

"Did he lied to me about his ..."

She was in middle of her thoughts, when she heard a faint knock on the door followed by an excited Emir appearing in front of her.

He came running to her with his hands hidden behind his back. Forgetting everything, she too smiled widely with him.

Emir: (Excitedly) Close your eyes, Reyhan! I have a surprise for you.

Reyhan smilingly closed her eyes but the face of crying Cemre flashed in front of her eyes and she opened it abruptly. She saw Emir's back as he turned around to take out her surprise. But as soon as he showed his both hands filled with cotton candies, Reyhan shouted on him.

Reyhan: (Angrily) Go from here, I don't want to see your face.

Emir was taken aback from her behavior, all his excitement died and a genuine concern took over him. He gently put those cotton candies on the bed and raised his hand to cup her face. But she shoved his away and again repeated the same sentence.

Reyhan: (angrily, with tears filled eyes) Didn't you hear me? I said, I don't want to see your face!

Loads of love!

Thank you♡

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