Chapter: 44

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Reyhan was surprised with Emir's behaviour as he was behaving normally with her. As if they never had any relation. As if they met here, on this project, for the first time. Right from ordering coffee and snacks in between their work to talking casually with her. He presented himself as a complete different Emir.

Emir on the other hand, as per doctor's suggestion, was doing everything what he can do to make her comfortable. He felt happy and satisfied while doing all this for Reyhan. They were busy in each other, oblivious from the fact that someone was keeping an eye on them.

Selim was very furious. He banged his table hard when he entered inside his cabin. Angrily he threw every stuff, which was present on the table, on the floor.

"That small town girl, she is nothing but a gold digger!"

"I did so much for her, took her to lunch and even made her stay in my own apartment."

"But instead of admiring me, she is drooling over that Emir!"

"Just because he is rich, she started to spend more time with him."

"People are right about these type of girls, they see nothing but money."

"In Ankara, I was rich! So she reciprocated my advances but here Emir is rich, so she started to reciprocate him!"

Banu: Yes, Emir is richer than you! That's why she is with him now.

Banu said, as if reading his mind. She came inside the cabin when she saw him pacing angrily. She already saw him watching over Reyhan and Emir.

She sat on the sofa while crossing her legs and again said.

Banu: (in authoritative tone) I knew it from start only that she is a money minded woman. But don't worry, she was never interested in you. Rather, you were interested in her. She was just accepting the things which you were providing her. She never demanded anything from you. You gave her willingly. (She rolled her eyes in annoyance and added after a pause) And in Emir's case, she seems interested in him.

Selim: (Gritting his teeth) What are you trying to say? Be clear!

Banu: (getting up, with teary eyes) That you are behind her not she. Stop doing this, for god sake! You are engaged to me, we are about to marry in a month! Please, I beg you, stop cheating on me, please!

Saying so, she left from there. Leaving a furious Selim behind, who banged the table hard again.

Cemre was pacing frustratingly in her room. She was pressing dail icon of her phone again and again but the person, on the other side was not answering her call. Frustratingly, she asked her servant for her phone and again dailed that person's number. This time he received.

Cemre: ( gritting her teeth) Why are you not answering my call, Mehmet?

Mehmet: (casually) Because I don't want to!

Cemre: (angrily) What you mean, you don't want to? Did you forget that because of me, you got your love back...?

Mehmet: (cutting her sentence in between) No, I only got Reyhan. Not my love...!

Cemre: (answered back without listening him complete) And your Reyhan is back again, in my life, to ruin it again! I don't know anything. Just come and take her back where she really belongs to!

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