Chapter: 34

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Everyone in the house were present at dinner. Even Mehmet too joined them, uninvited. Cemre willingly sat beside Emir while Mehmet too took the seat beside Emir before Reyhan could sit on it. Having no other choice Reyhan sat beside aunt Mukadar halfheartedly.

But to Cemre and Mehmet's bad luck, Reyhan took the seat, right infront of Emir. And they couldn't do anything.

Emir and Reyhan didn't liked it when both of their proclaimed lovers took their seats beside Emir. Reyhan pouted her lips in displeasure while looking at Emir and moved to other side of the table to sat beside Mukadar. Emir wanted to sit beside Reyhan, so that he can have his dinner in her close proximity. But both of them ruined his plan.

Reyhan and Emir didn't broke their eye contact, they stared at eachother intensely when she sat on the chair while Mehmet and Cemre glanced at eachother to show how furious they were on their imaginary lovers, Emir and Reyhan, respectively.

Emir bit every morsel, looking directly into her eyes. As if trying to convey her how much passionate he was for her, while making her blush to beetroot color.

Aunt Mukadar was observing them throughout the dinner. At the end of the dinner, she cleared her throat and asked Reyhan.

Mukadar: (teasingly) So, Reyhan! When are you going to surprise us?

Reyhan looked at her in confusion at first, then diverted her gaze to Emir as if asking him the meaning. To which Emir just shrugged his shoulders off.

Reyhan: (Confusingly) What? I am sorry, but I am not getting you.

Mukadar:(smiling widely) I am asking about yours and Emir's baby! (Looking at Emir) When you guys are planning to start a family?

She asked again while pulling her cheeks. The sounds of coughings echoed in the dining area making Reyhan pour some water for Emir to ease his cough. While Mukadar poured water for Mehmet and handed over him.

Emir coughed a little while Mehmet coughed violently. He was not expecting this kind of question from his aunt. And he can't imagine Reyhan carrying someone else's child. Cemre too gritted her teeth and shoot daggers towards Reyhan through her eyes. She too didn't want to imagine Reyhan carrying Emir's child.

Oblivious to their surrounding, Reyhan took good care of her husband Emir while Emir gulped water slowly, looking lovingly at her, making her blush in the process. Reyhan bit her lower lip when she saw his Adams apple moving up and down while gulping the liquid, making Emir's heart skip some beats. Only he knew how he controlled himself from kissing her sensuously then and there.

Emir was pacing in their room, waiting for her to arrive. While Reyhan was in the kitchen, busy in cleaning the utensils. Today she was taking more than necessary time to clean it as her heart was beating faster in anticipation. After yesterday's kiss and their today's encounter in the kitchen, she didn't know how to face him. She didn't know how their relation is going to grow.

She remembered their golden days when he used to visit her here during his holidays. He used to love her alot, he used to pamper her alot. She smiled a widely. But all of a sudden, her days in mansion played in front of her eyes. Where Emir didn't considered her anything, not even his friend. Tears started to gather in her eyes. She further remembered her conversation with Cemre where Cemre admitted that she and Emir were in relationship before their marriage.

Unknown to her a lone tear slipped out of her eyes. She left the utensil, which she was holding and held the sink for support.

"Emir loved me in his teenage, but when he grew older, he started to love Cemre."

"And again he is behaving like he is started to like me again."

"Why he is doing this to me and Cemre?"

She cried.

"I can't love him back, I can't take Cemre's love away from her."

She thought and wiped her tears.

"But he is married to me!"

"I am his legally wedded wife!"

"And besides, he loved me in his teenage and again he started to like me."

"It's seems like Cemre was there in his life only for a phase."

"Her phase is over now!"

"And moreover, I was there with him during that time."

"May be it was just an infatuation of Emir for her, not love."

"And when I came back in his life, he again started to love me."

She smiled a little remembering the event which happened during dinner time. She remembered his eyes which were focused on her. She remembered his eyes which never left her face, even for a second. She remembered him completely ignoring Cemre, as if she was not even present there.

"I know I am going to be selfish, but when I know that Emir started to fall for me again, I won't let him go to her."

"I will keep him, to myself, till my last breath."

"I will love him till my last breath, and will wait for the day patiently, when he will finally love me back!"

"I am sorry Cemre, but Emir was never yours!"

She thought determined but thought to talk to him once about Cemre.

Here inside their room, Emir was too thinking the same. He too remembered how Reyhan's complete focus was on him and she didn't even spared a single glance over Mehmet.

He smiled widely thinking his Reyhan had started to love him back, again. He smiled thinking his Reyhan will remain his, forever.

But he too thought to talk to her about Mehmet once before starting their relationship again.

Determinedly, he waited for her arrival.

Loads of love!

Thank you♡

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