Chapter: 14

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Little Reyhan waved him good bye, hoping that next year he will come again. But alas! her wait turned into an endless longing and he never came back. Hikmet used to sent gifts for her but even he never came after that day.

Flashback ends...

"He forgot everything."

"He forgot me."

"He forgot our childhood."

"He forgot everything!"

"He is no longer that Emir, who used to love me."

"Who used to adore me."

"Who used to tale care of me."

"Who used to fetch wild flowers for me."

"Who used to pamper me."

"Forget about pampering, he don't even respect me."

"No love, no pampering, he has nothing left for me, nothing!"

"The grown up Emir is far different from my young Emir."

"It's been 1 month now, since we got married and I am here, still he didn't called me by my name, not even for one time."

A lone tear escaped from her eyes as she sat down on the bed. She looked outside the window. There was a cat, who was pampering his kitten by licking her face. A beautiful smile adored her face and she got up and moved towards the window to get the clear view. She was looking at them with longingness in her eyes.

"I wish, if you had loved me, Emir."

"I wish, if we were together like these two souls."

"I wish, if I could kiss you the way he is kissing her."

"I wish you were mine!"

"I wish..."

Tears started to flow continuously from her eyes and this time, she did not wiped her tears instead she let them flew. She cried like that for about ten minutes, then all of a sudden she started to smile.

"I am happy for you Emir, that you got your love."

"I wish you guys always be happy."

"I wish, this time you don't break your promise and keep her happy."

"If I am the reason for your seperation from her then, be assured! I am not going to bother you."

"You guys can live your life. You can live your life as per your wish."

She smiled and looked towards the sky.

"You were right, mumma."

"No one can love you more than you do to yourself."

"Promises are hard to keep!"

"Not all are capable of keeping the promise."

"And we can't expect from everyone to keep their promises. "

Emir was standing at the flower shop. Zafer strictly told him to buy some flowers for her. But now he was in confusion as he was not able to choose any particular. This was the first time, he was buying flowers for a lady, not any random lady but his wife.

"Shall I buy lilies?"

"But which color she likes?"

"Does she like lilies or shall I buy other one?"

"These roses are also pretty."

"And these orchids are beautiful too."

"Ummm! what shall I buy?"

"I am really confused!"

"It's been one month now, since we married and I don't even know about her likes or dislikes."

"But she knows almost everything about me!"

"Even she knew about my favorite color, which no one knows."

"Shame on you, Emir! You don't know anything about your lady."

"Shall I call her and ask ?"

He hurriedly took out his phone from pocket.

"But that will be too awkward. "

"How about asking Zafer?"

"No, he will scold me for sure!"

He brushed that idea and lowered his eyes dejectedly. The shop owner was observing him keenly, from the time he arrived there. She could clearly see a huge confusion written on his face. She smiled and went to him.

Shop owner: Are you looking for flowers for your someone special?

Emir: (smilingly) Yes, for my wife.

She smiled and started to make a booke.

Emir: Err... actually, we are newly married couple and this is the first time, I am buying flowers for her.

He said, little embarrassed. The shop owner smiled at him. She put aside the booke and took out the fresh red roses from the inside rack.

Shop owner: Woman likes roses, more than anything. And if it gifted by her love then she considers it very romantic.

She said that as she handed him the booke of roses and winked at him. He blushed a little and went from there.

He was waiting at the signal when he saw a couple in the car. They were having the love fight. The lady was pinching his dimple again and again while the man was laughing at her antics, trying hard to prevent her from pinching again.

All of a sudden he imagined Reyhan and him there, giggling and pinching each other's cheek. His heart almost skipped the beat on imagining him and her together. But a honk from behind brought him back to the reality.

"I know Reyhan, you must be angry on me."

"And you should be, I admit that last night was really terrible."

"But I promise that I will not repeat that again, what happened last night."

"I will keep you safe, always."

"I wish to God, please make you accept my friendship."

He smiled and continued the drive to reach his destination.

Loads of Love!

Thank you♡

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