"Okay, well we should be going off to our classes. Honey? Are you coming?" Lily said.

"I'm not allowed," Honey huffed.

"Who's going to take notes in class?" James said, a look of actual horror on his face.

"You are," Honey said forcefully. 

"But, I don't know how to do that! I've never had to do that!" James protested.

"James, sweetie, learn," Honey smiled.

"C'mon, boys! Let's get to class! We're going to be late!" Lily cried, ushering the group towards the door.

"Bye, Bee!" Sirius said, kissing her on the cheek.

"See you later, Star!" She grinned after him.

"So, what are we going to do?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm going to show you the kitchens," Honey smiled, standing up.

"The kitchens?" He asked.


"Okay, I officially love the kitchens. The elves are so kind," Sebastian admired as they walked outside.

"They really are," Honey said.

"Where are we going now?" He asked.

"The Black Lake," The seventeen-year-old girl said.

"Cool!" He said.

She lead him down to the huge beach tree by the rock on the shore. She cast a charm around them to create a bubble of heat, melting the snow around where they sat. They began to chat regarding their lives, but soon they ran out of menial things to talk about.

"Are all of your friends Bisexual or Gay?" Sebastian asked.

"Uhm... Alice is straight. Marle- I mean, I'm bisexual, too," Honey said.

"Wait, you were going to say another name," Sebastian said curiously.

"I was gonna say, Marlene. But, she's not really my friend. More just a roommate. Or an enemy. She did this to me," Honey gestured at her scars. "I got mad at her on the first day of school for not even saying 'hullo' to me. She was too obsessed with her girlfriend. She got mad at me, and I left the dorms. So, now I sleep up with the boys."

"That's awful," Sebastian said, taking a deep look into her face.

"The scars make me look badass," Honey shrugged with a smirk.

"Did it hurt?" Sebastian asked, cautiously running his forefinger over the scar on her forehead.

"A little bit, but it's nothing compared to how she stabbed me in the back," Honey shrugged.

"Damn, she sounds a bit like a narcissist or a sociopath," He said.

"She kind of is," She laughed. "She's a nutty bitch who couldn't care less."

"She sounds awful," Sebastian said pitifully.

"Only when she's mad at you," Honey replied.

"So, a lot?" Sebastian asked.

Honey laughed and agreed. "I sincerely wish we could have gotten to know each other sooner, Sebbie. I'm kinda sad we didn't. Oh! Have you met Cole yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm hoping to this summer. Or during Easter break," Sebastian said.

"Well, I'll send him a letter to help him prepare to meet you. He gets way too excited about meeting new people. Just try and come back after nearly ten months. I'm sure he won't get too excited," Honey said.

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