62. a very merry christmass

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62. a very merry christmas

[ Paris, France, December 25th, 1832 ]

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[ Paris, France, December 25th, 1832 ]


Time had passed, with the lives of Annette and Enjolras carrying on calmly. The pair had been installed in a long lasting bliss ever since their wedding night.

Little to no complications arose during the period of time after their wedding and they both relished in the peace and quiet, especially after all they had gone through.

The pair had been able to find a cosy home that they could both share after spending a while searching around Paris for the perfect place.

The house had two bedroom, a living room, kitchen, dining room and a small office space for Enjolras. Annette had made sure that they house has a small garden where she could read and paint.

It really was the most amazing house for the pair. With more than enough room for them to be comfortable and, it was not exceedingly big, something that none of them wanted.

Enjolras and Annette had spent a month decorating and furnishing the empty house. Surprisingly, they did not argue much with each other, only bickering about how the bedroom would be decorated.

They both decided to leave the second bedroom empty, not really knowing what to do with it. At least, that's what they told themselves and each other, but in the back of their minds, both Enjolras and Annette had thoughts of saving the room for a child.

Outside the house, snow was softly falling onto the ground, layering the streets and the garden with a glowing blanket of white. It was Christmas morning, and as the snowflakes fell from the sky, the world seemed to be at peace.

Inside the warm and safe walls of the home, everything was quiet. So quiet that if one was to pay enough attention, they would be able to hear the soft breaths coming from the bedroom where Enjolras and Annette were still peacefully sleeping.

The girls head was laid on top of Enjolras's shoulder, with one of his arms gripping her waist. As the sounds of birds singing outside rang through the room, Annettes eyes fluttered open, her lashes fanning against hers cheeks.

As she woke up, Annette glanced up at Enjolras, seeing as his eyes were shut in a peaceful surrender to sleep.

Ever since they had married, Annette had been trying to get Enjolras to sleep better. She had been somewhat successful, although there were still nights where she would wake up and see him working away at his desk.

On those nights, Annette would not pressure him to return to bed, knowing better than anyone of how sleepless nights worked. She too had experienced the nights of tossing and turning, her mind working much to quickly for her liking and stopping her from staying still.

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