60. hear the bells

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60. hear the bells

[ Paris, France, November 15th, 1832 ]

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[ Paris, France, November 15th, 1832 ]


  The carriage sounded as it moved through the streets of Paris, taking Annette to the church, were a new life was surely waiting for her.

   She watched building come and go from her line of sight. Deep down, her stomach felt like it was doing summersaults as her heels tapped against the floor of the carriage. 

  The girl felt like she was about to throw up from nerves. She wondered how on earth everything had changed so quickly, when only a year ago she was sitting peacefully in Montpellier, not a clue of how her life would be turned upside down.

  Thoughts of how Enjolras was feeling passed through her head, making her laugh to herself, wondering if he was as freaked out as she was.

  She hoped that he was at least a bit nervous, because then she would find comfort in the fact that someone else was feeling the same as her.

  Her eyes widened lightly when she snapped out of her thoughts to see that the carriage had stopped, now directly in front of the beautiful church.

  She watched, her body unmoving, as her aunt and friends left their respective carriage. As Cosette, Celia and Nicolette headed inside the church, Annette figured that the ceremony had already begun seeing as they would walk down the aisle before her.

  Her thoughts were once more interrupted when the door on her right opened, her Aunt Chantal and cousin Léo coming into view.

  Seeing as the girl did not have any other male figure in her family, she had asked Léo to walk her down the aisle, making him promise not to let her trip when he finally agreed.

  "Annette" Léo spoke, making her look over at his extended hand "are you coming or not? I can't exactly walk down the aisle by myself now can I? Your groom would not be pleased."

  "Right" she smiled lightly at him, trying to calm herself as she took his hand and let him help her onto the floor.

  He led her over to the closed doors of the church, just as Nicolette walked down, arm in arm with who Annette guessed was Grantaire.

  "How do I look?" Annette asked Léo and Chantal, her hands moving over to her hair "Is my hair alright? Do I look pale? How's the dress?"

  "You look fine-" Léo muttered, rolling his eyes at her endless questions before he got cut off by Chantal shooting him a dirty look.

  "You look lovely Annette" Chantal assured, her arms reaching over to remove Annettes hands form her hair "now stop fussing"

  "I'm getting married!" Annette exclaimed "It's my right to act this way if I wish to."

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐄 | 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now