53. final adieu

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53. final adieu

[ Paris, France, June 15th, 1832 ]

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[ Paris, France, June 15th, 1832 ]


  The sky seemed darker than usual, it was as if nature could tell that today would be filled be grief. No birds could be heard singing as the foggy and slightly cold morning came, the sun was seemingly hidden behind dark clouds, it's light and warmth to far to reach and comfort anyone in need.

  When Annette had awoken that day, all the progress that she had made, coming to terms with everything that had occurred seemingly vanished.

  Her heart felt empty once more and the first thing that she did wad get herself dressed. The girl put on a black dress that had a bit of white on it and looked at herself in the mirror, deciding not to do anything to her hair except for securing the front strands on the back of her head.

  She picked up a white handkerchief, sure that she would need it at some point and also sure that she did not want to seem weak by crying in front of others.

  Once she was ready, she headed down the stairs and heard some talking in the dining room. At first she expected that it was only her Aunt Chantal talking with one of the maids.

  However, when she went in to get a closer look, she realized that all her friends, at least the ones that remained, were already seated at the table, dressed in appropriate black clothing and looking up at her with sad eyes.

  "Oh bonjour" she spoke softly "I didn't know that you would all be here already"

  "We wanted to support you" Nicolette replied with a small smile, gesturing for Annette to come and sit down.

  "Besides, we all wanted to meet your family that we've heard so much about" Grantaire piped in with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood a bit "when is your evil aunt arriving?"

  "As soon as you hear the sound of crows and feel a sense of dread creep up-" Aunt Chantal answered with a smile "you'll know that she's nearby"

  Annette chuckled lightly at her aunts comment, locking eyes with the person that would be able to best comfort her, she quickly walked over to him and sat herself down besides him.

  Enjolras smiled softly at her as she sat herself next to him, and wordlessly, he brought his hand up to grasp hers, holding it softly and reassuringly.

  The girl smiled up at him, trying to show that she was fine, after all, the last thing that she needed was pity, from anyone.

  Soon after she sat herself down, a knock rang out across the house, one of the maids quickly moving to open the door and attend to whoever it was.

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐄 | 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now