08. le musain

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08. le musain

[ Paris, France, December 23rd, 1831 ]

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[ Paris, France, December 23rd, 1831 ]


LOOKING UP, Annette finally saw the Musain that she had been yearning to go to, as she stared at the building in front of her that seemed to be bursting with life inside as she saw figures darting from one side to the other, Gavroche waited patiently, in the short time that he had come to know her, he had found that the girl had a tendency to get lost in her thoughts more often that not.

Finally after about a full minute of gazing up The Musain, she let Gavroche lead her inside where she was immediately greeted with a warm gust of wind as she opened the door, savoring the bit of warmth that she had been lacking since she left the library.

As Gavroche started pulling on her hand to and leading her up the creaky stairs they were stopped by a short, plump woman with a warm and inviting smile yelling Gavroche's name.

"Who have you brought here today Gav?" asked the woman whilst looking up at the pair with her hands placed on her hips, at this Annette quickly put her hand out for the woman to shake and introduced herself.

"Oh, I'm Annette, it's nice to meet you, Gavroche here was just helping me out, you see I'm sort of new to town and I got lost, and with the snow I figured it was too dangerous to walk home so I let him bring me here, but I think I'll just use the bathroom and be on my way, I had hit my head earlier on in the snow but I'm sure it's fine by now" she rambled on with a nervous smile.

   Annette was quite nervous about this whole situation, it was nighttime and snowing in a city that she had just moved back to and here she was in a part of town that she had never been to before, with a child that she had met one day ago, and letting him lead her up to meet him apparent friends that hated the King, it was all very overwhelming, however she had come here on a mission to find out more about this place and her brothers possible relations to it and she was not about to leave before doing so.

"Nonsense my girl! I will not allow you to go out in this weather, especially now that I know you hit your head" exclaimed the woman "now let Gavroche lead you upstairs and I'll bring a hot drink to warm you up, the boys are having a meeting right now, but I'm sure most of them won't mind a pretty girl such as yourself interrupting them, now, go on!"

With this the pair began climbing up the stairs once more before Gavroche opened a door that led to them to another set of stairs. Annette then started hearing voices sounding from the upstairs area. Gavroche then turned to her and signaled for her to wait where she was as he went into the room and started calling everyones attention.

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