01. when will my life begin

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chapter 01. when will my life begin

[ Montpellier, France, December 18th, 1831 ]

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[ Montpellier, France, December 18th, 1831 ]


    THE BEAUFORT HOUSE in Montpelier was home to an array of lavish and luxurious items, including beautiful tea sets, large paintings adorning the walls, and an extensive collection of dresses and shoes.

  However, if you were to ask Annette what her favorite part of the house was, she would answer the library with no hesitation. 

  For you see, that single room in the house expanded into an array of worlds that were created by the collection of books decorating the walls of the house, with the help of the brunette's overactive imagination of course.

  Annette longed for the type of adventure she read about in the books of her Aunts mansion, she longed for the romance that was shared between the two star-crossed lovers in fair Verona, and most of all she longed to be able to write her own story. 

  Something that, unfortunately, was easier said than done when one considers that fact that a young woman was not able to possess the liberty to do what she desires, something that her Aunt Chantal constantly reminded Annette of ever since she first asked why she could not do the things that she saw her brother, Alexandre doing during their childhood.

  Around the house, servants were running around in despair carrying plates, food, and drinks for a ball that was to be hosted that evening. 

  Aunt Chantal's screams and demands were heard all over the house as she fussed over everything and anything in sight. Everyone in the house was running from the kitchen to the ballroom and back to the kitchen, preparing for the event that was to take place in a few hours.

  All except a particular brown-haired, starry-eyed young girl.

  Annette was standing in dismay and starring at the vast collection of books in the library, she was certain that there had to be some book that she had not read yet, however as time was passing her hope was growing dimmer.

  She started pacing around the room, trying to block out her Aunts shouts and her mind started drifting as she once again began dreaming of a life outside the walls of this house. 

  As she started recounting all the things she had done leading up to this hour of the day, she groaned in frustration at the fact that every day, ever since she had first come into this house she has done the exact same thing, starting from the moment she is woken up to the moment she lays back down in her bed. 

  Read books, paint, play chess, try on dresses...

"7 am the usual morning lineup, get out of bed and look for a dress to wear" she started singing softly "brush my hair, get ready and go to breakfast, back to my room and by then its like 7:15"

  She sat on the armchair next to the bookshelf and reached for a worn-out blue book cover, Romeo and Juliet, "And so I'll read a book, or maybe two or three..."

  " I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery, I'll play piano and knit and sleep and basically just wonder when will my life begin" She started walking over the balcony at the near end of the library, "Then after lunch its puzzles and darts and baking, paper mâché, a bit of ballet and chess" 

  She looked up into the blue sky and started tracing circles on the marble railing "Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making, then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb, sew a dress, and I'll reread the books if I have time to spare, which I always do since I don't go anywhere"

  What she did not notice however were the steps that were getting closer and closer to where she was "And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair, stuck in the same house I've always been and I'll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering, when will my life begin?" Aunt Chantal walked into the library and started looking for her niece.

  "Tonight, suitors will appear, just like they do on this ball every year, what will I do if I catch ones eye, now that I'm older, Aunt Chantal might just marry me away..."


With a short gasp, Annette quickly turned around to be faced with her aunts face staring back at her with a small grin. "Now why would I marry away my only niece, you know I would go crazy all by myself in this house," she stated as she walked closer to the brunette.

  Aunt Chantal was a strong and resilient woman, she had gone through two husbands by now and that left her with quite a bit of money.

  Chantal did not agree with the idea that all a woman is fit for is being a prize for some arrogant man, however as she always told Annette, it is far better to marry a rich man who is almost never around than it is to live on the streets.

  "Aunt Chantal, shouldn't you be preparing for the ball?"

  "Well that is exactly why I came to get you, Annette, I figured that you would not be ready, but come on, we have to go and get you ready, I have laid out a beautiful red dress for you to wear tonight, now, come along," she said, pulling Annette, who was still gripping onto her copy of Romeo and Juliet, along by the arm.

  When they got to Annette's room there were three maids already there standing one next to the other, each holding different shoes and beauty products, ready to make Annette into the perfect young lady that would impress anyone in society.

  Walking into her room, Annette could only think of all the places she would rather be...


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