51. all I ask

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51. all I ask

[ Paris, France, June 8th, 1932 ]

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[ Paris, France, June 8th, 1932 ]


  The sun had already set and both Annette and Enjolras had fallen into a comfortable sleep. The house was quiet, only the sound of a ticking clock filling the halls as the moon illuminated the halls through the windows.

  Nicolette and Grantaire had both gone to bed in their rooms and Aunt Chantal had fallen asleep after tossing and turning for a couple of hours.

  After the shock of the prior events and losses, no one had much energy for anything and once their eyes closed, they would mostly stay that way until morning, their heads much too tired for any grief or dreams.

  Annette had been tucked into Enjolras's side and she made sure to not touch the healing wound on his stomach. Before they fell asleep, he had insisted that she grab some medical supplies and let him properly tend to the wound on her face, stating that she should have cleaned it ages before.

  Although that had slightly annoyed her, because after all, he had been the one to get shot. But she thought it was cute how he was taking care of her, of course, he always had, even when they weren't fond of each other.

  Enjolras had fallen asleep after Annette, his mind still plagued with the deaths of his friends and the cries of despair he had heard. He had spent a while simply staring at the ceiling and holding the girl close before his eyes shut as sleep overtook him.

  As the couple lay in each others arms, Annette slowly started to move around, her mind turning restless as the nightmares that she had so desperately tried to push away came back to torment her. 

  Her brows furrowed in her sleep as images of her brother and friends dying kept plaguing her. It had come to the point that her body had freed itself from Enjolras's grasp, making her sleep feel even worse as her sense of safety was gone.

  Sitting up on the bed abruptly, Annettes eyes opened as she scanned the dark room, her breathing coming out in shallow breaths as her heart raced.

  The girl brought her hand up to her heart and closed her eyes for a moment, convincing herself that it was all just a nightmare. But of course, although it was a nightmare, she also knew that its events had actually occurred, which did not help her to calm down one bit.

  Annette glanced over to where Enjolras was still sleeping peacefully and let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding after she saw that he was in fact, safe. 

  Leaning down, she pressed a small kiss to his head before climbing out of the bed, smoothing down her dress that she had forgotten to remove from the day. 

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐄 | 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now