03. crème de la crème

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03. crème de la crème

[ Montpellier, France, December 18th, 1831 ]

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[ Montpellier, France, December 18th, 1831 ]


THE PARTY was at full swing when Annette reached the bottom of the stairs. Men and women were dancing, drinking and laughing while dressed in their finest gowns and suits. The ballroom was illuminated by chandeliers that had been dusted earlier in the day, and they cast a golden light on the room, causing everything to look even more luxurious, if that even was possible.

Once again memories of Annettes childhood started coming back, she started remembering the balls she used to attend as a child in Paris, she remembered getting ready with her mother as they sang softly while her mother brushed her hair.

The memories made her feel queasy and she soon felt tears build up in her eyes, she remembered the last party she attended with her parents.

The last party before her mother fell sick, she remembered the feeling of sitting on her mothers deathbed and crying because they would never sing together again, all her childhood innocence leaving her in that moment, when she was only 12, and then her thought started to drift towards her father, how he was a kind man and how he always treated everyone with love, he too, would be taken away from her by the claws of death.

Snapping out of her thoughts she looked outside at the snow falling softly outside, how it coated the grass and gave it a soft and mysterious appearance.

As she started walking towards the snow, captivated by its beauty she felt a gloved hand tug at her elbow, turning around she let out a squeal of delight as she saw who was behind her "Alexandre!" she yelled as she threw herself into her brothers arms "What are you doing here? I though you were to spend you winter in Paris? Don't you need good education if you plan on being a successful lawyer?" she asked quickly, not giving herself time to catch her breath.

"Calm down Annette, god you'll give yourself a heart attack with how fast you're talking!" he pulled her outside so they could properly talk, giving her time to finally look at her brother after almost 6 months, his dark brown curls had grown out and he looked slightly older, however his face still held the warm and inviting glow that Annette had come to love. Catching her breath she hugged him once more before looking attentively at him as if silently begging for the answers of the questions she very ungracefully shouted at him mere seconds ago.

" I still have classes going on, but well, you see - I was thinking, well I though that -" he stuttered " well spit it out! We don't have all year!" Annette shouted.

"Alright! Alright, well you know how I'm currently staying at our old house in Paris while I study law there right?" she nodded her head quickly, curious to the reason of her brothers sudden appearance "Well its gotten quite lonely there, with only myself to keep me company, unless you count Celia and Monsieur Hubert , of course"

Celia was Annette and Alexandre's 25 year old second cousin, she too was living in Paris, for her parents were currently renovating their family home in Bordeaux so they relocated to Annette and Alexandre's childhood home for a few months.

They had just moved in 5 months ago but Annette could tell from his letters that her brother was not very happy with the idea of Celia and her father living with him.

However Annette feels like he is slowly warming up to the idea, because despite the fact that Celia is not the easiest person to deal with, she still makes for great company and her father is a caring man who keeps mostly to himself and is always there to help.

"Anyways, I talked to Aunt Chantal and I told her that you deserve to go out and see the world for yourself, since everyone else has gotten an opportunity to do so, and well- even thought there are three people living there already, the house seems quite lonely without you, and you haven't been there since.. well, since dad, so I though that you might want to come and live with me for a while, in Paris, if you want to of course, and you could go back any time if you want, you don't have to say yes, its just an idea, I understand if you would rather stay here, plus Aunt Chantal will miss you I'm sure but, I miss you too"

Annette could not believe what she was hearing, live in Paris? It seems like a dream! This is exactly what she has been longing for all this time, it did not take her long to decide what she was going to do, she hugged her brother once more and said thank you over and over.

"So dear brother" she said with a hint of sass "when do we leave?"

"Well I leave tomorrow" said Alexandre with a bit of a grimace, he knew his sister would be angry at him for prolonging her time in Montpellier "however I spoke to Aunt Chantal and she insisted that you leave in two days time, said that you need time to pack all the dresses you might need, you know, I don't think she'd admit it, but I think she will miss you little sister"

"Oh, well alright, I can't wait Alexandre, really, thank you, I don't think I could stand being here any longer, I would have gone crazy" she said while looking at the snow, Alexandre could tell his sister had once again entered a world of her own, but her could tell she meant every word she said.

While Annette looked out into the nights sky she could only think of how finally her prayers had been answered and as she looked up and saw the stars she mouthed a small "thank you" to whomever may be looking over her.


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