52. those who live

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52. those who live

[ Paris, France, June 12th, 1932 ]

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[ Paris, France, June 12th, 1932 ]


  A few days had passed, with Grantaire and Nicolette both going back to their own homes and Enjolras had convinced Annette to let him return to his apartment, stating that he needed to look after Patria and that he could handle himself.

  She had been wary of letting him leave at first, worried that something might happen to him, but at the same time she knew that they had to leave their bubble at some point. 

  Annette had also been keeping herself worried over Nicolette, the girl had told her that her parents would likely be angry over her absence and Annette felt slightly guilty.

  The girl had received a letter from Cosette one day ago stating that Marius had been asking about his friends. Knowing how he must be feeling, Annette quickly responded and invited the both of the over to her house, promising to gather all the others that had survived so they could all see each other.

  The only problem was that now Annette had to actually get everyone there. The person she was the most worried with was Nicolette, seeing as the girl was no doubt locked in her house with and her parents were raging mad at her.

  Annette had informed Grantaire about the meet up with Marius, asking him if he could take Enjolras over to her house. Whilst he did that, she would head over to Nicolettes house and try to help the girl leave for a while.

  As she headed downstairs, ready to go over to her friends house, she was stopped by her aunt who was walking over to her with an expression that she could not read.

  "As you know, Alexandre's funeral is in a few days" she began speaking, watching as Annette slowly nodded along "well, naturally, I had to give our family news about his passing"

  "Yes, yes of course" Annette continued nodding, not really knowing where this was headed, although she did have a feeling.

  "Both from your mother and fathers side of the family" Aunt Chantal continued slowly "and well- I have just received mail from them that they will be arriving at the day of the funeral and spending a few days here as a show of support"

  "Who is this entailing?" Annette asked with her eyebrows pushed together.

  "Well I received word from your fathers cousin Hubert and he stated that he and his daughter Celia will be coming" her aunt spoke, Annette feeling a smile growing onto her face at the though of seeing Celia and her father again.

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