21. count me with the dreamers

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21. count me with the dreamers

[ Paris, France, February 23rd, 1832 ]

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[ Paris, France, February 23rd, 1832 ]


The sound of birds chirping gleefully outside the house woke Annette up, she turned on her side and looked out the window to find that the day was especially sunny, the flowers from her beloved garden glimmering in the sun as she saw a bee flying near her window before diving down towards one of the flowers. Stretching her arms over her head, she placed her feet on the cold wooden floor and walked towards the curtains, opening them more than they already were, she slightly nudged her balcony door open and let the cool morning breeze hit her face.

Walking over to where her dresses were, she quickly grabbed a light green and white dress and dressed, before she sat down near her vanity and began working on her hair. It was refreshing to do these things by herself for once, it made her feel more in charge of her own path.

After a short, while she was done with her hair, having left all of it slightly curled and placed two pins on each side of her head to ensure that the front strands of her hair did not get in her way, she swiftly put on her shoes and headed downstairs.

Finding that her brother was not yet ready to head out, Annette decided to sit by herself for a short while and read, however just as she was about to open her book of choice, one of the maids walked over to her, handing the brunette a letter before walking away.

Curious as to who was writing to her, she turned the envelope around to find her Aunt Chantal's name and address on the back, making the girl grin widely before she opened the envelope and began reading the words neatly written on the page.

My dearest Annette,

I was extremely glad to receive your letter, truth be told, I was beginning to believe that you had forgotten all about me. Things here have been pretty much the same, parties and dinners, however, I must admit to you that these events are not as enjoyable as they were when you were here.

Nonetheless, I am thrilled to hear that you are enjoying yourself in Paris, make sure your brother takes care of you! I am, however, disappointed to find out that you have yet to find yourself a nice and interesting man, I'm sure there must be someone you're not telling me about, but even if there isn't, you are in Paris my dear girl, look hard enough and I'm sure that you will find someone worthy of yourself, but be wary, it seems to be getting harder to find a man who has it all these days, but with your beautiful face, I am sure you will manage.

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐄 | 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now