57. how wonderful life is

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57. how wonderful life is 

[ Paris, France, September 18th, 1832 ]

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

[ Paris, France, September 18th, 1832 ]


  Time had passed, with the remaining scars and heartbreaks from the rebellion slowly mending themselves. Although none of the survivors would be able to forget the horrors that they had witnessed, they had moved on with life.

  Every day was still mostly the same, with trips around Paris, small get togethers and Annette spending time over at Enjolras's apartment.

  They had been able to convince Madam Houcheloupe to let them help her in refurbishing the Musain and after much hard work, they had been successful in erasing the remnants of the revolution and the deaths.

  The memory of their friends lying there with their eyes hollow and lifeless still scarred them whenever they went to the cafe. However, they always tried to overcome the sense of dread with cheerful memories.

  It was the morning of September 18th and there was a soft breeze outside as the people of Paris began to slowly rise from their beds.

  The sun was shining down over the streets, contrasting nicely with the coolness from the windy morning.

  Inside Enjolras's small apartment, everything was still silent, with only the muffled sound from the outside filling the space.

  Annette and Enjolras had both spent the night reading together after they had gone to see their friends at the Musain. The pair had exhausted themselves after the long day and before Annette could return home, she had fallen asleep and Enjolras had taken her to his bed, laying down besides her and letting sleep overtake him as well.

  The girl softly stirred in the white sheets as she felt warm fingers tracing her arm. She sighed quietly and kept her eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of Enjolras's hand on her arm and trying to hold onto the last bit of sleep she had before she would be forced out of bed.

  She could help but let a small laugh escape her lips at the feeling of Enjolras pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder, his curls softly tickling her face.

  "I knew you were awake" he stated with a smirk, watching as she turned around to face him with a scowl that he quickly kissed away.

  "I was appreciating sleep whist I could," she replied with raised brows "something that you seem to be unfamiliar with seeing as you can function on two hours of sleep."

  "It takes practice." Enjolras told her, a  smirk coming onto his face as he saw Annette roll her eyes in annoyance.

  Annette buried her face back onto the pillow and looked at him in a sideways glance, watching as he softly brushed away a few stray pieces of hair that had fallen onto her eyes. She smiled fondly at him and felt his arms warp around her waist and pull her closer.

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