07. la neige

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07. la neige

[ Paris, France, December 23rd, 1831 ]

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[ Paris, France, December 23rd, 1831 ]


THE NEXT DAY, snow was once more falling from the sky in shining flecks, it was almost unbearably cold except for the slight warmth provided by the sun that was sitting atop the sky. 

The air smelled of roses and fresh snow as Annette sat on a bench in her favorite part of the house. The flower garden was filled with all types of flowers, including breathtaking red roses that were even more vibrant in the sunlight, if it weren't for the snow covering half of them.

Annette sat in the snow, admiring the beauty of nature around her, something that her mother had always taught her to do, find beauty and happiness in the little things in life, the things that others ignored and let slip by their attention.

However, one can only stare at flowers while being deep in though for so long before they get bored, which is exactly the situation that Annette found herself in as time slowly passed her by. 

Out of sheer lack of anything else to do with herself, the girl decided to go for a walk around Paris, after all, what was more beautiful than this city in the snow?

Halfway through her trip into the heart of the city, Annette quickly discovered that maybe, just maybe this was a terrible idea, her feet kept slipping and she was sure that her nose would soon fall off with how cold and red it was.

However since the girl was much to stubborn to simply admit defeat and head back home, she kept walking until she found herself back at the library that she visited the day before.

Walking in she was immediately hit with the familiar smell of books and and she walked further to the very back of the library, where her body was instantly warmed up when she encountered a fireplace that was lit and illuminating the back of the library with a bright orange glow.

Grabbing a book, she quickly sat down in one of the armchairs facing the fireplace and began reading, entering the imaginative and bright fictional escape world that the author of the book had brought to life with his eloquent and descriptive words.

Seconds passed, turning into minutes, which eventually turned to hours and Annette finally closed the book that she had been so attentively reading, putting it away and suppressing a yawn as she walked towards the exit of the library.

She was shocked to find that it had already turned to nightfall. Heading out of the library, she stood at the door attempting to retrace her steps and find her fastest route back home, however considering that she had only been back in Paris for two days now, and it was getting quite hard to see with the snow falling down on her lashes and the streets that were only illuminated by a few lampposts and the silver moonlight, the task was proving itself to be quite difficult.

After walking for what felt like hours, Annettes foot accidentally slipped on some ice that had been built up on the side of the road, causing her to fall to the ground and hit her head against the very ice that caused this issue in the first place. 

She groaned and put her hand to the back of her head, feeling for any bumps before sinking her head back down to the ground and closing her eyes in frustration.

It was then that she heard her name being called by a small voice and she opened her eyes to find little Gavroche starring back at her with concern laced in his eyes.

"You alright Miss?"

"Gavroche! God am I happy to see a familiar face, I was walking back home, well, I was trying to at least, and I seem to have slipped on some ice that has built up on the ground" she said in a low voice, her hand still clutching the back of her head.

"Did you hit your head?" asked the blond haired boy whilst Annette slowly stood up, concern still shown in his features.

"Well yes, but I'm sure it will be fine, thank you for checking on me Gavroche, but I really must be going back home, my family will be worried if I take any longer" spoke the brunette softly, already starting to walk, until he hear Gavroche's voice once more.

"Are you lost?" he asked,

"What makes you say that?" asked Annette as she turned around, facing the boy once more.

"Well, I don't know where you live Miss, but I'm certain that its not that way" he said with a small smile "plus, the snow is getting really bad, I mean there is no one else walking on the streets right now, at least not whiningly, it's quite dangerous to be out here by yourself, especially if you don't know your way back. What if I took you to the Musain? I'm sure my friends can help you find your way home and warm up while you wait for the snow to get better."

At the mention of the Musain, Annette's ears pricked up, she had been wondering what this place was ever since she hear Courfeyrac mention it, and perhaps Gavroche was right, she would never find her way around Paris in this weather, she'd get lost all over again, even if she asked for directions. She then made the decision to accept little Gavroche's offer and let him lead her to this Musain that she had been hearing so much about.

On the way there Gavroche asked Annette millions of questions about her, ranging from what her favorite color was, in which Annette answered purple, to what her opinion was on the king, at this Annette stoped walking and turned to face Gavroche with a confused look, a face that expressed she did not understand why exactly she had just been asked this question.

"I only ask because you better not be a fan of him if I'm taking you to my friends" said Gavroche while he kept walking at a fast pace, Annette running behind him to catch up with him and stumbling in the process.

"Well, now that you ask, I don't know much about the king, I suppose someone would have to tell me more before I could make a decision" answered Annette carefully. 

Truth be told, she had heard about the king her entire life, by those around her, the acquaintance's that she had made during her Aunt's ball, they all spoke greatly of the king, however Annette was a very smart and observant girl.

She could she how those who spoke highly of the king were all of a higher class, bathed in luxuries and opportunities from the moment they are born, still, her life had been incredibly fortunate money wise and she herself had nothing to complain about.

But while looking at Gavroche walking in front of her and at the people and buildings surrounding her, growing more poverty stricken than the place she finds her home in with every step they took, she started thinking that maybe the ideas she had been fed her entire life were wrong.

She quickly brushed those thoughts away when Gavroche stopped in his tracks in front of her and turned around, telling her that they had arrived.


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