12. dans les rues de saint michel

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12. dans les rues de saint michel

[ Paris, France, December 28th, 1831 ]

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[ Paris, France, December 28th, 1831 ]


THE NEXT MORNING, Annette carefully tip toed out of bed and got dressed before darting out of her room and heading to the kitchen to grab herself a quick breakfast, she suspected that her brother would head out in a few minutes, as she had been carefully paying attention to his actions in case she ever needed to follow him, it sounded devious, but she though of it as opportunistic.

And turns out, she was absolutely right, mere seconds later he heard Alexandre's footsteps echoing through the halls of their house.

Annette grinned widely as she rubbed her hands together in anticipation, figuring that her brother was already far enough that he would not hear her, she began walking towards her door and she carefully pulled it open and closed it back again, wary as to not make any sound and alert her brother.

She slowly crept behind him as he walked blissfully unaware of his sneaking sister just a few feet behind him.

As Alexandre continued walking, they passed through many houses, bakeries and shops, filled with people of all types wandering around and haggling prices and talking loudly. However as they kept walking onwards the scenery soon changed from one of lively and prosperous spirits to a poverty and despair stricken one instead.

It truly hurt Annette to see so many people suffering and crying for a simple bite to eat while those of high society, including her had a table filled with all kinds of food and wardrobes housing all of the most glorious dresses and suits. This convinced her even more of how much she truly wanted to join those boys in revolting against the king. And that was just what she was going to do.

Snapping out of her thoughts she realized that she had stopped walking and had lost sight of her brother.

great thought Annette thats just great, where's Gavroche when you need him.

As she kept walking forwards, in an attempt to find her brother, she say a girl with brown hair and eyes, staring at her dress in a wanting manner, Annette decided that this girl seemed like the friendliest face she had seen so far.

Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the girl and their eyes met, Annette reached out her hand to the girl, causing the girl's eyes to widen in surprise before she quickly took Annettes hand and shook it.

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