55. flame that still burns

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55. flame that still burns

[ Paris, France, June 18th, 1832 ]

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[ Paris, France, June 18th, 1832 ]


  A few days had gone by, with the entire family mostly spending time by themselves, no one really feeling up to chatting.

  Annette had wanted to sneak away from her house and spend some time with Enjolras and her friends desperately, but she knew that this was a time for family and she had her obligations at home.

  Still, she kept looking out the window of her bedroom, wishing that she could leave and head over to Enjolras's apartment, the place where she felt the most loved.

  She had mostly been spending her time in her bedroom, and sometimes she would go over to the house library and spend some time with Celia, Leo and Nicolas, who had all been quiet as well in the past days.

  The brunette was currently sat on her small vanity, quietly reading a book for a lack of anything better to do. Her family would be leaving the next day, and although she had enjoyed the company of most of them, she admitted to herself that them leaving was going to give her a bit more peace.

  The girl turned around when she heard her bedroom door opening to reveal her cousin Leo, who was looking at her with a look that she could not yet read.

  She watched as he closed the door and walked over to her bed, sitting down on it and just staring at the floor for a few moments before his eyes met hers.

  "Did you want something?" Annette asked lowly, not understanding what he wanted from her "Or do you plan on sitting there and staring at me?"

  "He died because of the rebellion you told me about right?"

  Annette's smirk instantly left her features as she stopped moving at his words, a lack of words taking over her as she did not know what to do.

  "What?" the girl slowly asked, her brain still trying to understand the situation.

  "Alexandre" Léo continued, looking at her with raised brows "he died because of that rebellion you were telling me about. I suspected it when I heard the news of his death, it all seemed to weird, but then I overheard mother and father talking of it and it confirmed that I was right"

  "He did" Annette answered honestly, looking at her cousin with a stoic look on her face "he got shot by an army officer to protect me"

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐌𝐄 | 𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now