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Jalanee Coleman

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Jalanee Coleman

Taking a sip of my water bottle,I closed my eyes,listening to my heel repeatedly tap into the marble floors of Montana's house.

So many different thing were going through my head right now. I was so confused on how they were just now arresting Kentrell for Dave's death. I didn't see how it was possible,I seen his body in that casket with my own eyes. I couldn't even go to anybody about the situation because I didn't wanna put Kentrell more in trouble. I felt like I was going crazy.

"Jalanee." Montana said walking into the room. I was still in my dress and everything. My mascara was messed up from my tears and I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail. A night that suppose to go so well,just went so bad.

"Did you get any information?" I said standing up.

"I just got off the phone with his lawyer. His team gon meet him at the station. If you know sum tell me. This my first time hearing this David name." He said,sitting down next to me.

"He's my ex" I said looking down at my feet. I heard a long exhale from him. "This gon be bad." He said,rubbing the wrinkles on his forehead.

"What happened? Tell me everything you know."

"I don't know what exactly happened. I wasn't there. He came back to me like nothing happened that night."

"Just tell me everything straight up." He said sitting down next to me. I rubbed the sweat off my hand against my dress,and took a long sigh.

"Kentrell found out he was hitting me. He wanted to go meet up with him right after he found out. I didn't want to tell him where he was. I knew he was going to do something but I didn't think he would get in trouble for it." I said speaking fast.

"Jalanee what happened?" He said getting clearly frustrated with me.

"I don't know. He just got angry with me,took my phone and left. I didn't bother asking any questions." I said. I felt like I was having trouble getting my words out. I hated that I had relive that whole week. A week that was filled with so much trauma.

"I gotta make another phone call." He said running his hands over his face and getting up.

"Is he going to be okay?" I said snatching his arm back. "Ion know man. These murder charges." He said in distress. He walked off into his patio,where I couldn't really hear much. I pulled out my phone,already seeing blogs posting about the situation. My messages were blowing up from my family asking us as to why me and Kentrell didn't show up,I guess they didn't see the blogs. Usually when i got this paranoid I'd call Kentrell or Jayda. Now I can't speak to neither.

I just couldn't help to think about what was going on with Kentrell right now. The way the cops treated him with me there,I know they would do worse with him alone. They treated him like he was a criminal. Yes,he has a record but what did he did was just him protecting someone he loved.

Feeling my phone buzz,I glanced down at my screen. It was an unfamiliar number. I never seen the number before,maybe it was Kentrell..I crossed my legs and answered the call.


"Hello." A high pitched voice said from the other line. They sounded relieved.

"Who is this?" I said,hoping it was some good news about Kentrell.

"It's Kairi. Remember me?" She squealed. Within seconds of hearing her my heart dropped to my ass.

"H-hi sweetheart. It's been a while." I said standing up. I started walking around in circles of Montana's kitchen.

"I was looking everywhere for your number. It was in my diary."

"Oh that's good." I said looking around the room. "Did something happen?"

"They found the man who hurt my daddy. Did they tell you?"

"Oh really? No i didn't know." My hand started trembling,and my phone slipped out of my hand,falling into the floor. I quickly snapped out of it,and reached for the phone.

"What's going to happen to him? Is he going to hurt me too?" She said as I put the phone back up to my ear.

"Well They'll put him away from a long long time. He'll never get to you."

This girl was living her life without her only active parent,while I was living my life with a new house and being happy not realizing I caused all of this.

"The nightmares stopped." She said. "What nightmares?"

"I always had nightmares that he was going to come hurt me like he hurt my daddy. They stopped."

"Oh really? I'm sorry to here that. I'm glad they stopped."

"Me too. I saw a photo of you on the internet the other day. I miss you."

"Really? What photo was it ?"

"I don't know but you had red hair. You looked so pretty. When are you coming to see me?" I half smiled at her comment. I will never get over the guilt of fucking up this girls life.

"I don't know babe. But Look,I'm at work now. I have to go." My voiced cracked as I spoke.

"But we barely spoke. I missed you. Nobody calls me here." I huffed,and walked into a closed space. I heard Montana speaking on the phone in the other room.

"I'll promise to call you tomorrow and we can talk about everything okay."

She sighed. "Okay" The line went quiet and It was so silent in the house I could hear my heart beating heavy.

"I hope you're doing good in school...make your dad proud."

"I am. My graduation is coming up soon. Will you make it?"

"I'll definitely try love. But I have to go." I said,swaying as I stood up. "Okay." She repeated in a sad tone. I really didn't want to hang up,but I just felt guilty. I pulled the phone from ear,cutting the call.


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