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Omniscient POV

Jalanee opened her eyes,waking up from her sleep,feeling a warm body laying on top of her. She looked down and seen Kentrell peacefully sleeping making her smile at the sight of him. It was no secret that she still loved him. She just didn't want her heartbroken again,or didn't want to hurt Kentrell anymore then she already has. Kentrell had a fragile heart,and she didn't wanna do anymore damaging to his heart,she didn't think he could take another heartbreak. The poor boy been through too much,but here he was in her house,begging for her love back.

"I love you." She whispered to him as he continued to sleep. Kentrell started shifting around and groan. Jalanee decided to stay silent so he could go back to sleep. Kentrell rolled out of her arms,and to the space next to her,falling back asleep. Jalanee took that as a chance to go check on Messiah. She got up out of the bed,walking to the room next door to see Messiah still sleeping. She knew he'd wake up any minute from now so she picked him up,and went back to her room,laying his sleeping body next to Kentrell.

She looked at the two humans sleeping peacefully on her bed,and smiled at the sight. Jalanee thought to go take a shower to kill some time. She walked in the bathroom,and got the shower running. She looked at herself in the mirror,before checking her phone for any important messages or calls. She starting stripping down,slightly frowning. She looked down at her thighs,which were covered with bruises that were now a lighter shade of purple. She couldn't even think of ways anymore to hide her bruises. She stepped into the tub,letting the warm water expose her body.

Jalanee thought about how her and Kentrell would work being miles apart. She know for a fact she didn't want to go back to Louisiana,and she knew Kentrell wouldn't like it in New York,with all his kids in Louisiana.  She knew long distance wouldn't sit right with her because her and Kentrell could barely keep their hands of each other.

She didn't even know what to do with Dave,it didn't feel right leaving Kairi with him,but she couldn't do much about that. She was stuck on decisions and options. She wanted to make sure she did everything right for herself and for Kentrell.

She stepped out of the shower,wrapping a towel around her body. She walked out,going to her room seeing Kentrell sitting on the side of bed on his phone. He looked up when he seen her and gave her a lazy smile.

"Goodmorning." She said,smiling at him. She turned around to her mirror on top of the dresser,picking at some lotion. Kentrell got up,and hugged her from behind, kissing on her neck.

"What you tryna do today? My show start at 8." He mumbled into her neck.

"I actually wanted to get King groomed." She said putting some lotion into her hands. Kentrell hands traveled around her body,making her nervous. She knew one thing would lead to another,but she felt like it was too early,and she didn't feel the same way about her body anymore. She felt like Kentrell would notice the difference. Before he could get under her towel Jalanee put her hands on top of his,making him stop.

"You forgetting Messiah right there sleeping. I don't wanna wake him." She said trying to play it off.

"My fault." He said kissing her cheek one more time before looking at the both of them in the mirror.

"You're fine." She said rubbing lotion on her body. She didn't want to get dressed in front of him because she knew he'd see her bruises and question her.

"You not going to go shower?" She asked him.

"About to get in right now." He said with a raspy voice. He stood there looking down at her smirking.

"Hurry up. My baby needs to get groomed." She said pushing her butt against him,making Kentrell tightened his arms around her waist.

"Say' man you know what you doing." He said lightly laughing.

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