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Omniscient POV

"Jalanee what the fuck happened to ya' leg?" Kentrell asked calmly,as his chest was heaving up and down,quickly.

Jalanee's breath hitched as she shot up,realizing what was happening. She was so into the moment she forgot about her bruises.

"Nothing Kentrell." She said trying to pull the covers over her,but Kentrell had his legs on it. Kentrell watched her movements,and he got angrier.

"He did this to you?" He asked with his left eye switching. Jalanee stood quiet,trying to find words to say. Kentrell looked down at her thigh,slowly putting his hand on her bruises,making Jalanee hiss. He hated seeing her in pain,it just made him angrier that he couldn't do a thing to stop it.

"Who did this shit to you? Talk to me." He said trying to keep calm. She looked at him with fear in her eyes.

"Who did this shit?" He asking again letting out a bitter laugh,putting his fist together.

"Kentrell it's nothing." She said slipping her sweats on,and walking away. Kentrell sat at the end of the bed,feeling itching on his arm. It felt like a fire as been set in his body. He was ready to get anybody killed behind Jalanee. He sat there bouncing his leg up before jolting up,and walking to her.

"What happened to us being honest with each other? I'm asking you what the fuck happened you walking away. Who did this shit to you Jalanee?" He said behind her,she turned around,and Kentrell looked at her glossy eyes,noticing she was about to cry. His anger quickly turned into sympathy. As he pulled her into a hug,she started bawling her eyes out in his chest. He never seen her cry this much,she barely cried as it is. Seeing her like this was definitely getting to him,he didn't know what to do,and he felt useless because he couldn't prevent her from getting hurt.

"Shh You gon' be straight Jalanee tell me what happened?" He said putting one arm around her waist,and the other supporting her head. Jalanee cried harder,knowing she hadn't been okay ever since it happened,and she didn't know when she was going to.

"Trell" She said with her voice vibrating his chest.

"I'm here." He said kissing her forehead,trying to be calm for the sake of her.

"Just tell me who did this" He said feeling his adrenaline starting to rush again. She continued to slid his question,making him impatient.

"Why you protecting this nigga still?" He said raising his voice slightly.

"I'm not." She said picking her head up.

"Tell me he didn't do this to you. I want you to say he ain't do this shit." He said with veins popping from his temples.

"Kentrell,it's not that serious." She said wiping the tears from her face.

"You see ya' self? It ain't serious?" He asked her,looking down at her.

"Where he stay at?" He said aggressively.

"Just leave it alone." She said trying to get away,but He had her cornered.

"What the fuck wrong with you? Tell me where he stay at Jalanee. I'm not finna play with you. At all." He said.

"You already have the police looking for you,just stop." She said sighing.

"I don't give a fuck about nunnadet. You know I don't. I'm finna kill him with my bare hands too." He yelled.

"Where the fuck he stay at?" He said while his hands started shaking. She stood there and didn't say anything,making him more angry. He snatched her phone from behind her,and made his way at the door,Jalanee pulled him back with tears in her eyes.

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