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Omniscient POV

"Steady tryna win over your love" Jalanee sang quietly while she swept her feet around the empty house. She was in the house alone once again,with a sleeping Messiah upstairs.

"It could get violent, I don't mind being in trouble." She sang,she smiled back at the memories of when he wrote her that song. She never stopped listening to it and it meant so much to her because it was Kentrell's first gift to her.

"I wonder where he put King." She spoke to herself,as she took a bite out of a fresh cookie.

She still couldn't believe how they both just acted like they weren't with each other a few weeks ago. She thought to herself whether or not she was wrong for giving up on the relationship.
There a sudden knock on the door followed by a kick. "Who is it?" Jalanee said jogging near the door.

"Your ass took too long." Kentrell said mugging her,as she opened the door.

"Why you kicking her door? You know my sister don't like you." She said sighing.

"Fuck you and your sister." He said smirking at her.

"How did it go? You're here so quick." Jalanee said standing to the side,changing the subject

"Mane' she was crying her eyes out last night. I felt bad,but that shit uncomfortable as fuck. She want me to go to his funeral. She want me to fly out to Michigan with her bitch ass daddy nem'." He complained.

"I mean it is your fault for letting her get so attached to you. She needs someone. Just be that person." She said following him on the couch.

"I'm a grown ass man. I wouldn't even have went if you ain't tell me." He said looking at her.

"I thought you ain't like her? Watchu pushing me closer to her for?" He said,confused.

"I don't. But Nobody deserves to go that alone. You all that girl knows. Literally." She said lightly laughing at the end. He caught himself smiling at her. He loved her character and how she was always fair. He wouldn't know what he would do without her. He felt so calm speaking to her.

"I ain't tryna go." He huffed. "I think you should,just think about it." She said playing with his hair.

"Nigga how the fuck I'm gon' think about it? She want me to go tonight?" He said.

"First of all why are you getting mad at me?" She asked him,scrunching up her nose.

"My fault. I ain't mean to raise my voice at you." He said pulling her on his lap.

"I miss you." He said whispering in her ear,making chills go down her back. "Mhm." She responded,as her face started to heat up.

"Where your boyfriend at?" He asked making her roll her eyes. "I haven't talked to him since the night at the club. I don't really want to either." She explained.

"He said sum other then kiss you?" He asked eyeing her. "No. He took me right home after." She said.

"I don't know why you let that bitch nigga kiss you anyways. But you outchea though." He said. "What you mean?" She asked innocently.

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