Part 29: I'll Miss You

Start from the beginning

"What? What do you mean?" Remus said quickly, sitting on the other side of Marlene.

"He-" Honey paused.

"You don't have to do this, Bee," Sirius said, setting a hand on her shoulder gently.

"I do. I really really do," Honey said, tilting her head onto his hand.

"What are you talking about?" James demanded.

"He- he drugged me. After I humiliated his friend by beating him up. And he-he-he... he, uhm, he, kissed me without my consent, forcing me to betray all of my moral standards. I told him to stop dozens of times, but he didn't listen to me. And I accidentally told Sirius that time I passed out," Honey said, not meeting any of their eyes.

James stood up angrily.

"He did that? He's an ass. I hate him," He said, running his fingers through his already messy hair.

Honey chuckled morosely. "As if anyone could hate him more than me."

"Only his mother," James spat, smacking his palms against his thighs angrily.

"As if," Honey said.

"Get on the train, it's time to go," Professor McGonagall said, coming up to the group, but seeing Honey's face she stopped in her tracks. "Oh dear, what is it now?"

Honey repeated the story, wiping tears from her cheeks as she went. A sort of fire blazed in her eyes, striking fear into even McGonagall. The Professor's anger grew with the story.

"I'll talk to his head of house presently. He is to be expelled immediately," She said, storming off to the castle.

Honey's eyes grew in disbelief. "Really?"

"Of course," McGonagall shouted back.

She broke into a smile, relaxing onto the bench. She held her bag straps in her hands in both relief and anxiety. Her heart was racing, but so was her mind.

"That's great, Pup!" Remus said.

"Sort of," Honey said hesitatingly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, I'm going to be ridiculed by all of his friends and everyone else who hears," Honey twiddled her thumbs.

"Why?" Peter asked, piping up from his long bout of silence.

"Because it's different for girls. You remember Ivy Leynne?" Lily posed, and everyone nodded. "You all heard the rumours, right? Those were all false. It was the guy who got expelled and his friends. She had to leave as soon as the seventh year finished, and nobody heard from her except for her friends and family."

"Wow," Remus said, but Honey and Marlene shrugged.

"Wait, why aren't you two more shocked about it?" James asked in slight shock.

"Why are you two shocked? It's double standards," Marlene said.

"I dunno, I guess I just thought those were horror stories people told to scare children," James scratched the back of his neck.

"Nope, they're true," Honey shook her head.

"Well, I know that now," James stammered.

Honey and James quickly boarded the train to Platform 9 3/4.


Honey and James got off the train at Hogsmeade station after their week at Godrics Hollow. Honey breathed in the brisk air of her beloved Hogwarts as she spotted her best friends chatting in one of the corners of the station. She dropped her bags and bounded up to Sirius, putting her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. She planted her lips firmly on his and then pulled her head away as she smiled.

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