•epilogue part two•

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Clyvedon, 1837.

A dark carriage crossed the woods in the middle of a hot July night, the sight rather uneasy since nobody chose to drive so late at night, especially during the woods. Nevertheless, the two people, who sat inside the carriage had experienced too many journeys already to fear of getting robbed or killed. After all, the land they were driving through was their own, and people to this day, after 24 years, still loved the duke and duchess of Hastings.

The two people inside the carriage were not driving away from someone or somewhere they needed to be in a rush. If what, the carriage was slow and lullabying. Enough to make Clara Basset almost fall asleep, her whole body tired from 8 months of travel across the Europe.

Yes, life was rather challenging and it did not go the way one would want sometimes, but if the dream was reached in the end, the wait was worth it. Clara and Simon were the two people sitting in the carriage, going home from almost a year of being abroad, having gotten to travel only when their youngest child reached the age of 10.

Surely, their initial plan had been to wait until Adeline would get big enough to be away from her parents, but then Beatrice was born in 1816, a surprising pregnancy but still exciting, postponing the duchess' plans to travel. Nevertheless, Clara and Simon waited, surprisingly getting another news in 1819 that she was with child again, and soon after Christopher was born, brightening their lives, but especially Simon's since he felt like three women were too much for him to handle.

Clara, although aware her children would postpone her dream to travel, loved and waited for every single one of her babies, watching them grow up together until she got news she was with child again, the 4th one! And, sadly, it had been a rather difficult pregnancy, almost ending up in Clara loosing her life. They never talked much about Diana's birth in 1822, even if they both loved their girl immensely.

The birth was even more complicated than Adeline's had been, and Simon had a hard time connecting with Diana during her first weeks in the world. Clara had fallen sick after birth and had to lay in bed for weeks, loosing so much time together with her newborn baby, but thankfully Kate, Daphne and Sophie had been incredible help until Clara was better again and could raise her little girl by herself.

Simon eventually overcame the fear of loosing his wife, and embraced Diana the same way he had embraced their previous children, the duke and duchess coming to a conclusion that four children were enough for them, especially after such a risky situation.

Simon and Clara were set in having three daughters and a son, until surprisingly and fearfully, in 1827 she ended up having a child once again. Her last pregnancy had caused some disruption between her and Simon, but as always, marriage had its trials and they overcame them eventually, Clara deciding to give birth to her fifth child, thankfully, the birth going well even if Simon had been even a bigger mess in fears to loose her.

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