•part eight•

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Vauxhall, 1813.

Be it shame or slander, seduction or smear, there is but one thing that humbles even the most highly-regarded members of our dear ton - a scandal!

Well, dear reader, it should seem that all of Grosvenor Square has been left to ponder a rather scandalous question, indeed.

Might one former diamond's recent fall from grace turn out to be the most damning scandal of all? Will Miss Daphne Bridgerton get even worse results than her sister, who has been gracing us with scandals for the 3rd year in a row?

I shall refrain from answering because for those who were not at the Vauxhall celebration, you missed the most remarkable coup of the season.

It appears Miss Daphne Bridgerton has captured the interest of the newly returned Duke of Hastings.

How the young miss secured her newfound suitor is yet to be determined. What is more, Miss Clara Bridgerton has been seen chatting with an also newly from his travels returned lord Ashwood, looking rather interested, but perhaps it was a facade and we do not know what Lady Bridgerton has been told to do to subdue her passionate daughter.

Yet, if anyone shall reveal the circumstances of these matches, it is I.

Yours truly, Lady Whistledown.


ANOTHER event so soon after Lady Danbury's ball was a little too tiring for Clara, however this time, they traveled on a barge, sailing across the river. The sky was the most beautiful thing Clara had seen in a while as the sun continued to go down, creating purple sky above their heads.

The Vauxhall celebration was indeed planned beautifully as well, the whole thing held outside. Fire lamps were lit above everyone's heads as an elevated dance floor stood in the middle of the celebration, couples already dancing to never ending music.

Clara almost enjoyed everything. She could have finally been at ease with herself if not the lingering hurt of her mother's previous words. Clara knew Violet was right - Queen Charlotte hated her, she hated the way Clara tarnished her matriarch reputation of not following her compliment. How she did not marry when she was supposed to.

The girl knew Violet would definitely find a suitor this evening for Clara to impress, and if not there could be nothing else done. However, something inside Clara told her that she had to try. She did not have to like or dislike the gentleman who'd be Violet's choice, but she could at least play a little just to get Violet off of her back. It felt like Clara was loosing this game, but the girl was ready to loose a match just so that Violet would calm down a little.

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