•part five•

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Grosvenor Square, 1813.

Dearest reader,

This author finds herself compelled to share the most curious of news. It seems our diamond requires a closer inspection. Perhaps, it should be accustomed to look at the diamond's sister, once called a rare flower herself. An apple does not fall far from the tree, is it not this saying which would fit the two Misses?

As such, an even rarer jewel of only the most remarkable brilliance, fire, and luster has been unearthed. Her name, unknown to most, yet soon known to all, is Miss Marina Thompson.

This author is left to wonder whether Her Majesty might reconsider the high praise she once afforded Miss Daphne Bridgerton for we all must know what the queen despises more than anything - being wrong.

And the drawing room at Bridgerton House currently appears to be emptier (despite it having been this way even with Clara Bridgerton out in the society) than the muddled head of her dearest King George.

It follows that Lady Featherington is to receive what she has always desired: the season's true Incomparable living under her own roof.

She must be overjoyed.


CLARA did not enjoy being awakened so early in the morning, but she was now under her mama's roof, which meant her rules thus her time to wake up. She had been with her family again for only a day and already longed for the freedom she got when she was living with Anthony.

He'd always be either busy or they both would lay until noon and eat breakfast together during lunchtime only. Anthony never forced her to do anything, but Clara knew that with the start of a new season, he would not be so kind anymore.

So, getting into a dress with the help of Jennie, Clara made herself presentable, but not just because she might (hopefully not) receive callers, but because she knew Violet would tighten her corset herself if she saw at least one hair out of its place. Clara did not know what to think of the new day. She had slept poorly due to worrying about Simon Basset, remembering his realization and amusement in seeing her squirm, perhaps even mockery when he saw how actually afraid she was he'd reveal her secret.

Clara tried very hard not to show her fear, if she'd ever meet the duke again, which she was sure she would, Clara would tell him straightaway that she was not afraid. Perhaps, even threaten him calmly if it would mean he'd remain silent.

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