•part sixteen•

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Crawford Ball, 1813.

It has come to this author's attention that the ton is abuzz with a most sordid tale. It is said one cannot judge a book by its cover. But in the case of the bumbling Baron Berbrooke, it seems his displeasing appearance is quite an apt metaphor for the state of affairs in his household.

I would not be surprised if Lord Berbrooke were called away to the country on alleged business... Business which, perhaps, might involve sending some much overdue funds to one former maid and young boy, who we can only hope takes after his mother.

On a much brighter note, an unknown man has been seen roaming the streets of London with a much appreciated visual. Some even say, he sports a very lovely foreign accent, which I can only imagine being a true magnet to ambitious mamas and their daughters.

However, we are yet to see this handsome stranger in the society, but I believe our favorable duke will finally have a worthy competitor to the lovely ladies' hearts.


NIGEL had left town after the talk reached all of the ton and Clara was on top of the world. Not only did she prove her mother and sister how capable she still was to get rid of husbands, but also saved Daphne from marrying someone like Berbrooke. Now Daphne was back in the market with many other choices and Clara had her three and a half months of freedom, something she hoped would last.

But, Clara was not a fool, she threatened her mother to act if the woman did not take her word seriously. Even if Clara knew it was bad to have such a relationship with one's mother, Violet herself had made her own bed. Surely, Clara did not want to fight with her, but enough was enough. Nevertheless, Clara was now officially released from promenading and could continue to live her life problem free.

Or so she thought, because the second they entered the Crawford Ball, petals and champagne falling around them, Violet did not leave her side as if Clara would do something bad. Clara was irritated by the fact, but allowed everything to slide. At least, her mother was keeping onto her promise. As soon as a suitor would approach Clara, she would say she is not interested and Violet would only nod stressfully and proceed further with her daughter.

Clara knew Violet was restless and definitely regretted her choice to give Clara freedom, but at least Daphne was not engaged to Nigel anymore, and it was a price Violet had to pay for saving her precious daughter from literal doom.

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