•part thirty-two•

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Grosvenor Square, 1813.

I come bearing greatest news! Miss Clara Bridgerton, soon to become a duchess of Hastings, was finally seen together with her betrothed and they looked as in love as one could not have guessed!

They were even seen holding hands! A big scarce blow to those who dared to question this match's sincerity.

I can only wonder what their actual marriage will bring as the days until Miss Bridgerton becomes Mrs. Basset continue to count out by seconds now.


DAPHNE, Hyacinth, Eloise and their mother were all walking down the stairs, followed by a few maids as they continued to talk about Clara's sudden and surprising engagement. Daphne was silent and irritated, but instead of sitting in her bedroom, she faced the day, aware life still went on.

Violet was silent as well, still grieving over what she had done to her eldest daughter, who now had left somewhere and worried the mother, who had yet to talk and beg for forgiveness.

Eloise was bitter and took Clara's side almost instantly, not bothering to acknowledge her mother, who had been becoming just as pressuring to her as she had been to Clara.

Only the youngest, Hyacinth seemed unaware of what had happened, still too young to realize the mess her sisters were in. She found nothing strange about Simon and Clara even if the whole ton saw Daphne to be with the duke. But, as Violet thought, Hyacinth's naiveness was at least brightening the grim mood of an upcoming marriage, which should've been a happy celebration. "I do wonder how does it feel to be in love?" Hyacinth dreamed as she went down the stairs with her two sisters and mother, Daphne's face scrunching in distaste. "I shall ask Clara!"

"Imagine leaping off a cliff and shattering on the ground," Eloise mused sarcastically, knowing she wouldn't have told those words if Clara was present. But their older sister was no where in sight, allowing Eloise to get back to her old self. "A fair analogy, Daphne?"

Daphne scoffed silently, still angry and hurt a man she thought she loved was taken by her own sister, glaring at Eloise to shut up. The girls finally went down the stairs as Violet continued to walk behind her daughters, worrying as to where Clara was. She hoped the girl did not run away, but after hearing her and Eloise talk, Violet was a fool to have thought that. "What should I know?" Daphne asked bitterly so Eloise grinned maliciously, annoyed at her sister's tone because it wasn't Clara's fault the duke found her more riveting. "Though, Eloise, I believe you will know what love feels like soon enough next season."

"You think I have to follow in your footsteps?" Eloise chuckled mockingly, aware that with Clara now out of the market, and Daphne with many suitors in hand, chances were she would have to go out into the society to marry. Eloise shivered at the disgust of such thought and continued to walk while grumbling. "Can there be a more dreadful fate?"

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