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Queen's Ball, 1813.

The newly arrived Prince Friedrich of Prussia has been seen fawned upon by many debutantes, Miss Daphne Bridgerton included. It is no coincidence she wants the best match since her lovely duke has been seen spending more time with another Miss Bridgerton.

Rumor has it, the duke of Hastings was quick to aid Miss Bridgerton away from speaking with the ever so gallant Prince. Is he, perhaps, aiding the young debutante in her quest to stay unmarried, or is he keeping her for himself?

Whatever it is, as suspicious rise so does the danger of being caught. With Clara Bridgerton now freer than ever, those chances rise by seconds.


CLARA continued to hold onto Simon's arm discretely, nobody paying much attention since everyone's eyes were solemnly focused on Prince Friedrich and Queen Charlotte as they both approached a shyly standing Daphne. Clara wanted to roll her eyes so bad, noticing the proud look on the Queen's face as if Daphne was her daughter, but knowing the woman's stupidity and cruelty it would come as no surprise that she did think like it.

"Prince Friedrich, this is the young lady I was telling you about, the season's diamond," Queen Charlotte said as they stood in front of Clara's younger sister, Daphne bowing down. Clara glanced at Simon to see his raised eyebrow, wondering how he felt about this, but if he'd be jealous, it would show on his face or so she thought.

Prince Friedrich kissed Daphne's hand, causing Clara to roll her eyes slightly so Simon felt the expression even if he had not looked at Clara. Lowering his head down, the duke met Clara's small condescending expression. Her hand on his arm continued to burn him, and in the brightest flame, but Simon did not wish for her to let go. Because this would probably be the closest they could get without people being suspicious. "So lovely to meet you, Miss Bridgerton," the prince then spoke up, accent evident in his thin voice.

Clara bit the inside of her cheek to contain herself from laughing, seeing the Prince as nothing but a mere teenage boy even if he was possibly older than her. However, what confused her more was the fact that the Queen looked to match Friedrich and Daphne, her cunning eyes already plotting. Clara did not understand. Wasn't the Queen the one to ask Violet to pair Daphne off with Simon? And now, she was doing the opposite.

But then again, to question the Queen's decisions would only create a headache for Clara, and Queen Charlotte did change her mind just as quickly as she changed her ugly big wigs. However, deep down Clara did feel quite good to know that perhaps Daphne could marry Prince Friedrich someday. For Simon's freedom and for her own gain. It was selfish but it was already carved inside of Clara's brain.

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